But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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Hey Gang!
According to Mr.Moltzy we can all stay!
No more huddling next to strange wet dogs in the middle of the night underneath the bridges to keep warm and no sucking the dew of grass for a morning drink!
I’m all happy and fuzzy and warm and…….ooohhh…..
I wet myself….
Clean that up Cai!
Okay… I posted already. It’s someone else’s turn.
Go ahead, it won’t hurt. It might hurt if you post on the Son of Mega-Post, but it won’t hurt if you post here.
This should be post number 476. We’ve got less than a day to get to 500. And you all know what happens when we get to 500 right?
Sexbots. That’s right. There will even be an option for a small device that plugs into the wall and wirelessly streams cheeze wiz over the 802.11g protocol.
You want some of that don’t you? Yes you do. Yes. You. Do.
Oh, I get it. It’s an “investment” in “sexbots” to see if “we” can get to “500” by means of “useless postings.”
“What’s with all the ‘quotation marks,’?” you ask.
“Well,” I say, “it’s just ‘part of the job.'”
(Whatever the “hell” that “means.”)
I’m so glad I can stay. Smores for everyone!
Whoo HOOO!!!!!
Party at the Mega-Post.
Get the iTunes jamming and the beer flowing.
I think as long as we keep bribing Howard, Chet, and Uglak food and alcohol they’ll even let us play on their macs.
Inching… closer… to our… DOOM! Inches of doom! Each one of them! We are doomed like the metric system could never allow!
*Runs off to find a ruler*
suckruler of doom!
“Suckruler of doom?” What kind of crazy talk is _that_?
My sexbot doesn’t have one of those, anyway. Um, I mean, IF I HAD A SEXBOT, IT WOULDN’T HAVE ONE OF THOSE.
Now where’d I put the CheezWiz…?
I hope this doesnt mean I have to suck on some country’s ruler….I mean….ewwww…..I’d have to suck on Tony Blair….I mean…..double ewwww…….if this is the case then I want Michelle Rodriguez as our ruler…..
oh wait….it’s a different kind of ruler?
yeah….”what kind of crazy talk is that”……yeah
Y E A H!!!
5 people Write Entire Mega-post
After careful analysis of IP addresses, it turns out that the nearly 500 posts submitted have been sent by the same 5 guys. “Sure they use lots of fun different names, but it’s the same five guys, trust me.” said John Moltz who runs the website. When asked why these 5 guys would spend so much time posting to each other and in some cases responding to their own posts. Moltz said, “Funny you should ask that question, I was just talking to the Entity and Ugluk about why people do crazy stuff like inventing other personas to talk to. We didn’t come us with an answer, but we sure hope they are getting help, or drugs, or pop-tarts”. Turns out that son-of-mega-post has been completely submitted by just one individual. More on this later from one of my other personalities.
Theres only one Cai, I assure you!
There was an Anti-Cai, but he was too weird and stuff…for a while I was suspecting it was John Moltzys alter Ego Bernita…..
and hey…..the mega post needs a perm link from the front page!!!!
Dont make me register a domain name for this shiz!!
and…ohhh….ahhh….Pop Tarts!!!
I think there is only one me……
let us get back to you on that.
It’s icing freezes us, now it’s fruit filling burns us, trickzy tarts.
OK, stop posting using our name, we don’ts like it.
I mean it, your pissing me off now, and I’m not crazy. You are. No, You are.
Who else is here? I think I just heard one of those silent alarms.
Mega post forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Crapola…..
I knew there was other Cai using my laptop….I just didnt realise it was me…..now I know where that “missing time” is going…
I mean, I was wondering why it was taking me hours to get out of the toilet….
and yeah….
Cai goes insane
Everyone started posting as Cai, which caused him to go insane. Cai, said that when he was talking to Cai he said that he heard Cai say that he had gone insane when everyone on the mega post started posting using his name. When asked who was behind this scheme Cai said “It must be Cai !”
This has gone too far.
Stop this!!!
Identity Theft !!!!!!!!
Shoot him, he’s the fake Cia!!!!
NO, he’s the fake one, shoot him!!!!
Post #500 is mine, all mine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, this is just too tempting…ha ha Cai! 500th post is mine. I proudly proclaim on behalf of all the mega-posters…
Oh poo.
Only this far away from greatness:
Too many Cai’s! A Cai overload….can the world take it???
Bloooooooorrrrrrg* *cough cough*
Blaaaaaaaaaarghh *splutter*
Cai gets post #503 – first prime number after 500.
Prime number?
Does that have anything to do with Transformers?
The Transformers.. more than meets the eye!!
Well, unless we get a permalink, there’s no way to tell how many postings we have now without counting from the 500th post. (Or 100th, if you’re a real masochist.)
All’s well that ends well.
(But is it really over?! It’s anyone’s guess….)
scroll down a bit, and there’s the “permalink”.
No…..the megapost is still here and will keep on well into the 1000th post!!!
oh yes….baby!
The Mega Post is l33t!
Quiet day in the Mega Post!
Everyone seems to be huddles all fetal position-like in their little sleeping bags……all the lesbian midgets are huddle together, shivering slightly…..
and the feint smell of cheez whizz, stale beer and dirty socks!
Count me in on that cheez whizz!
2^13th post!
That’s seriously a major milestone, though. If Movable Type only stored comment IDs as unsigned 13-bit integers, there would have been some serious problems there, I’m telling you.
Maybe it’ll be a problem in a few years or so, ya know….when the Mega Post hits 1,000,000,000 posts!
Hopefully by then MT will support cheese storage so it wont be a problem…..
hmmm……yummy storage!
uh, you mean 2^9, right? 2^13 is 8192. Even at 11 posts a day, it’ll take 692 days to reach 2 to the thirteenth power.
Of course, Cai will be dead by then. He’s already starting to show signs of a bad case of Alzheimer’s.
My graphing calculator’s better than yours! Nyah nyah.
Please visit inkwaster.com! Even if you don’t look at anything, just click the link so I get more hits. Don’t ask me why.
I think they should use signed integers. Then I could post before the “first post” people after they post. Now that’s technology!
b-man, I went to your site, but I didn’t see anything to “hit.” Is there a mime somewhere that I’m not seeing?
I will so not be dead by then……
I ownz th15 l1f3, ph33r m3…
been reading too much Little Gamers!
You’re supposed to hit me after you realize how bad the jokes are.
I like “Some kittens can fly” for a children’s book. The mental picture it calls up is much too amusing…
But I shouldn’t say things like that — I’m watching someone’s dog right now.
Right. Somewhere between my brain and my fingers, 2^8 turned into 2^13.
2^8 turned into 2^12. Gah. I don’t know anymore, I’m so confused.
Well, as long as 2^8 didn’t turn into, say, a winnebago, I think you’re alright.