We’re off next week

But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.

1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”

  1. I am offended. I am not a guy.
    SO THERE. All the posts have not been put up by the same 5 guys.

  2. Heh!
    awwwwwwwwwww……everyone needs a hug now…
    group hug???
    *opens arms*

  3. To much gas! I said no beans for dinner.
    That’s it I am banning beans from the Mega-Post. Someone, for the love of God, open a window.
    Geez the canaries already died. The midgets are looking a little green and the sexbots are short circuting.

  4. OW!!!
    Huck, you really, really shouldn’t let your sexbots destroy your hand like that.
    Put some Cheez Whiz on it. That’ll make it all feel better.
    Or rub it with rhubarb! (Note the correct spelling, Cai.)
    Yes, it is I, the grammar police! Or is that the grampar police?
    Dunno’. Whatever.

  5. Mobs Attack Indian Theaters Over Lesbian Film
    Mon Jun 14, 2004 01:31 PM ET
    NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Hard-line Hindus hurled stones and damaged movie theaters in India Monday to stop the screening of a film about a relationship between two women, saying it violated Indian culture.
    Nearly 100 activists of the student’s wing of the Shiv Sena group smashed window panes, ripped up posters and burned effigies at a hall screening the Hindi film “Girlfriend” in Bombay, capital of India’s prolific movie industry, witnesses said.
    The film show was stopped after the attack.
    Shiv Sena members also attacked a hall screening the film in the northern Hindu holy city of Varanasi, police said. There were no reports of any injuries in either incident.
    “The film has some lesbian scenes and we got many complaints from the public, especially women, so we decided to take action,” Nitin Amberkar, a member of Shiv Sena’s student wing, said in Bombay, minutes before tearing up posters of the film.
    About 20 Shiv Sena activists were detained in Varanasi after the incident. The cinema proceeded to screen the film under tight security, police said.
    Arun Pathak, the Varanasi unit chief of the hard-line Hindu group, said the film violated Indian traditions.
    “This film is out to degrade Indian culture. We will not allow anyone to do this,” he told Reuters. The director of “Girlfriend” said his film did not violate Indian culture but merely reflected a slice of society that has long been brushed under the carpet.
    “If my film doesn’t not offend any religious or spiritual sentiments, then why the breakage?” Karan Razdan told Zee News television. “I’m just trying to show what’s happening in society.”
    The box office response to the film, which opened on Friday, has been poor.
    India turns out 1,000 movies a year — the most in the world — many of them three-hour boy-meets-girl candyfloss extravaganzas with lavish sets and song-and-dance routines.
    In recent years, some Bollywood film-makers have stepped off the beaten track and made movies on themes considered unorthodox by old-school producers. However, strict censorship still prevents on-screen nudity and profanity.
    “Fire,” a 1998 Bollywood film that portrayed an intimate relationship between two women, provoked the wrath of hard-line Hindus who said it promoted what they called the alien practice of lesbianism and hurt Indian culture.
    It is unknown whether there were any lesbian midgets in the film.

  6. I’m warning you all, on the grave of my hand: Don’t let your sexbots get religion. It’s bad for them and it’s bad for you too.
    Lesbian midgets, however, already know better.

  7. Doesn’t that really depend on the religion? I can think of a couple religions it might be fun if the sexbots found.
    So Huck what is the sound of one hand clapping?

  8. That it is Cai.
    I always figured one hand clapping would be more like a
    *whoosh whoosh* sound.

  9. I hope the lack of comment or banter at the moment is meaning everyone is crazy busy with stuff and not the Mega Post dying….
    I couldnt bear to loose the Mega Post, although have you seen the state it’s in, I mean…..cheez whizz everywhere, the lesbian midgets are starting to smell a bit and christ, what the heck is that stain on the ceiling?

  10. *runs around*
    Dammit, how did this happen….
    *chases huck over some sleeping midgets only to come a-cropper on a sleeping bacg*
    oof….who the hell put THAT there……
    *tags Del*
    You’re it, baby!
    *giggles and runs away*

  11. Great Now I’m it. I’m always it.
    I’ll hide in this pile of cheez whiz and leap out and tag the next person that runs by.

  12. Hmmm nobody here yet….
    Maybe I need to put bait out.
    *sets a 40DD display on the ground next to the cheez whiz pile*

  13. HAH!!! Now I can tag you both.
    *tags Huck and Cai*
    I knew those displays would have you staring and drooling in seconds.
    Guys… Your IT!.. No stop looking at the display. We’re playing a game. You’re supposed to tag someone.
    Hello!? Ick the drool is all mixed in with the cheez whiz. This is disgusting.
    Ok that’s it I’m cleaning.
    *pulls out the emergency fire hose and blasts it on high*
    There that’s much better. I’ll have the midgets dry everything up.
    Hmmmm Minty Fresh.

  14. Ahhhhh….I’m still it….dammit!!!
    *tags del back while she’s watching the others*

  15. Um, is “playing tag” a euphemism for something I don’t understand? Does it have anything to do with lesbian midget sexbots?
    (Apologies to Del. I don’t know if there are any gay midget sexbots and whether or not that has the same potential attraction for her as the lesbian variety does for us. It’s probably controlled by a startup parameter or something, anyway, like “-gay” instead of “-lesbian.”)
    Yikes! Barely missed getting tagged by Del.

  16. ***narrowly avoids Del***
    Am I the only person with a single-processor 1.6 GHz G5 that now has an obsolete computer? Darn! I blame Maine.

  17. I dunno Bill, do you really think a sexbot would be configured through a command line program? I’m assuming the -setting syntax refers to the unix programs that use that kind of config language.
    But back to the sexbots. There should be a much more intuitive interface for this kinda thing, considering the hardware is so amazingly, *AHEM* …intuitive.
    Any thoughts?

  18. Sexbots can be MALE!!!! 😛
    *tags Huck*
    Whooo hooo I’m not it.
    I’ve heard some sexbots are modular to save money. The sexbot comes in one package the ummm…. parts come in another box.

  19. I’m still using my 500 mhz Ti laptop. One of the first ones. 1.64 ghz smokes my power little laptop.

  20. Arghh! What a horrible thing to hear while getting tagged! What if I mistook a male sexbot for a female one? (They do come in packages you know, so it’s not THAT obvious.) That would be like finding a Dell in your G5 box. Ew!
    Sheesh… um…
    *Tags Bill with with my 400 Mhz G4 (internal firewire port repruhsent!)*

  21. what would I be doing hiding in a G5 box?
    Probably hiding from who’s it.
    If you get the modular sexbot it isn’t so bad if you grab the wrong one. You just replace tab A with slot B.

  22. Well…..DUH!
    Female sexbots obviously come with lipstick….have you guys not checked the little extras that apple gives em. (no apple sticker but a high quality red lipstick…..very nice!)
    male sexbots come with option “growable” “facial” hair and various tatoos and the extra port for the smell module….
    *clamps himself to the roof of the mega post*

  23. Yeah I heard the first sexbots would revert to their original Apple Ninja training just by looking at a rumor site.
    When you see a rumor site go on long sabbatical and blame it on things like DNS issues or a Cinco De Mayo party know this is probably due to their shipment of sexbots showing up and then going into ninja mode. Thing about it… How many sexbots were actively on CARS until the Cinco De Mayo party? The number jumped drastically at that time. I mean you can barely turn around in the Mega-Post and not run into one.
    Haven’t you noticed how many of the sexbots are wearing black and carrying weapons? At first I thought the black was an homage to Steve, but I never seen Steve use a Nunchaku with such skill. (Though I’ve heard he is quite skilled with the katana.)
    Look at how many breaks the CARS staff has gone on since the Cinco De Mayo party.
    Remember to always upgrade the firmware and software of your sexbot! Unless ninja sexbots turn you on. Then you may just want to leave them unpatched.

  24. Who are those five guys anyway…Bill, Huck, Cai, Del, and me? As a matter of fact, after the “Ace Newberry” post, us 5, Miles (twice), and debt consolidation (once) have been the only posters.
    Is the AirPort Express compatible with sexbots?

  25. It’s coz we’re the hardcore posters, ya see!
    We rule the Mega Post!
    Oh yeah, baby!
    w3 0wnz teh m3g4 p05t!

  26. The sad/funny thing is I check the Mega-Post before I even look at the CARS main site.
    I need help.

  27. and cheez whiz…..
    and maybe the lesbians too!
    and yeah!
    571th post baby! woooooooohoooooooooooo!
    Almost 600!
    *sings* I GOTTA KEEP ON!
    Duuuuuuuuuh-duh-duh-duuuuh duh-duh duh-duh
    (old cookie crew track)

  28. I have a link to the Mega Post on my desktop.
    It’s called “Link to Mega Post.”
    BTW, when I asked if the AirPort Express was compatible with sexbots, I was wondering if you could wirelessly stream music to them – “You Sexy Thing” or something like that. Maybe you could also stream new “profiles.”

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