We’re off next week

But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.

1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”

  1. Wooo…downloadable dance moves…..
    I wonder if they can upgrade experience…..ahhhh….points….
    ya know….for….erm….ahhh….playing RPG’s….
    thats it…..rpgs!

  2. The only problem with AirPort Express for sexbots is that there can be interference. Imagine your neighbor having a sexbot and AirPort Express. They have their sexbot programed for some kinky [Expunged] [Expunged] and [Expunged] with a [Expunged]. That profile gets beamed to YOUR sexbot and your running in fear from [Expunged] [Expunged] [Expunged].
    Course it could be interesting.

  3. imagine hacking your neighbours sexbot…..
    gives a whole new meaning to getting root!!

  4. I’d be so protective over my sexbot. I’d be all, “No kitty! That’s my potpie… er sexbot! No! You can’t have any! Mom!”

  5. Hmmmm hacking sexbots.
    I think I just found my dream profession.
    All the sexbot shall serve me. I shall be their new master and I will use AirPort Express to do it all. Bow down to me unless you wish to suffer the wrath of ninja sexbots. Or if you are a Masochist bow down to me unless you don’t want to suffer the wrath of ninja sexbots.
    On second thought I might just take a nap.

  6. It brings new meaning to a “Denial of Service” attack.
    No!!! Give me back my service! I need it! Gaaaaaah!
    Now THAT will bring people to their knees.

  7. Woah! Sorry for the long delay in the game, here, folks, I didn’t realize I’d been tagged and kept right on running, past all the sexbots and right out of the house! (Sorry I damaged the privacy chain on the door, Huck. I think Lowes has those, though.)
    But I was brought back to reality when I heard about poker! Woo hoo!
    * targets Cai to be tagged, mostly because Cai can’t spell “neighbor’s” correctly *
    Hey, speaking of sexbots…
    * runs closer to Cai, Cai begins slide down roof of MegaPost *
    …has anybody seen the trailers for “i, Robot?”
    * breaks Cai’s fall with pile of CheezWhiz *
    Looks kinda’ interesting. Could those become sexbots if you wanted them to be?
    * tags Cai and runs like [expunged] *

  8. STOP POKING ME!!!!!
    I have a big bruise on my arm now thanks guys.
    I have seen a couple trailers for i, Robot but it seems to have very little to do with Asimov’s book. Other than the title that is.

  9. Ohhhhh…arse monkeys!
    hey…I can smell neighbour howeva eye wahnt!
    *tips toes behind del*
    *sniff sniff*
    Damn….I stink of cheese!!!

  10. Ooh this is gettin’ excitin’! Will Del be able to locate the source of that nasty cheeze smell in time? Will Cai be vindicated by crazy mad ninja sneaky skills? Stay tuned to find out!
    Man! They sold me the whole seat, but I’m only gonna nead the edge!
    If you could spell intense with an “x,” it’d be that!

  11. Mr. Moltzy says we all have to leave! Aw…
    Everybody say Aw…
    *gives the mega post one last kiss*

  12. Arrrrgh…I’ve been spoofed!
    thats NOT me…I would never say such awful shiz like that!
    *tags del* You’re it *chuckles*
    I think this Cai interloper is Mr.Moltz himself….the Mega Post is such a cultural magnetic and hotbed of intense, frank and relevant discussion that it’s overshadowing CARS itself…
    quick..write to someone….somewhere……ANYONE….
    ya know it’s either that, or the fact we’re reaching the magic 600 posts is freaking people out in the same way that your aunt used to by squeezing your butt at family parties and making semi drunken suggestions about experience and refering to the Graduate……??
    everyone has that trouble, right??
    Why are you all looking at me like that?

  13. It was me. I spoofed Cai. Hey, I was bored.
    But you have to admit, it was pretty clever with the email address, Mr. Moltzy, asterisks, and everything.

  14. Oh, I see how it is then. We simply can’t trust each other anymore. I suppose there’s only one thing left to do then…
    *eats Cai*

  15. *echoy voice*
    It’s pretyty big in here……..
    and….daaaaamn….the smell….it’s like some unknown smelly creature crawled in here to die or something….
    it’s dark….
    wheres my lighter?
    *flick flick*
    damn…..I’m scared…it’s dark!!!
    and I need to pee….
    oh well….
    it’s dark….no one will know…..

  16. 600th post baby!
    66666 00000 00000
    6 0 0 0 0
    66666 0 0 0 0
    6 6 0 0 0 0
    66666 00000 00000
    All you haterz and doubters bow down to the might of the MEGAPOST!
    *I need to take a nap now*

  17. *sighs*
    okay….who configure it to ignore multiple spaces….
    CARS just pissed all over the might of the 600th post!

  18. Cai’s so stupid, he actually brought a laptop into Huck’s stomach. I hope it was an original iBook – at least those are nice and juicy.

  19. I hope it wasn’t one of those key lime ones, cuz if it was, I’m gonna have some nasty mutant lumps goin’ on…

  20. Sherlock sez:
    n. [from archaic English verb for `shudder’, as withfear] The grue was originated in the game Zork (Dave Lebling tookthe name from Jack Vance’s “Dying Earth” fantasies) and used inseveral other Infocom games as a hint that you should perhaps lookfor a lamp, torch or some type of light source. Wandering into adark area would cause the game to prompt you, “It is very dark. Ifyou continue you are likely to be eaten by a grue.” If you failedto locate a light source within the next couple of moves this wouldindeed be the case.
    The grue, according to scholars of the Great Underground Empire, is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Itsfavorite diet is either adventurers or enchanters, but itsinsatiable appetite is tempered by its extreme fear of light. Nogrues have ever been seen by the light of day, and only a few havebeen observed in their underground lairs. Of those who have seengrues, few have survived their fearsome jaws to tell the tale. Grueshave sharp claws and fangs, and an uncontrollable tendency to slaverand gurgle. They are certainly the most evil-tempered of allcreatures; to say they are touchy is a dangerous understatement.”Sour as a grue” is a common expression, even among themselves.
    All this folklore is widely known among hackers.
    Source: Jargon File 4.2.0

  21. *gurgles*
    *bites into Bills head*

  22. *tags bman*
    Hah now you’re it. That’s what you get for scaring us. Geez I gave up the lease on my apartment. Where would I live if I got kicked out of here.
    The Cheez smell is getting very strong again. I’m thinking we’re going to need some ammonia mixed with bleach or a flame thrower.
    I’ll try the ammonia/bleach mixture first. Remember if you are feeling a little Woozy get some fresh air! I’m going to open the windows and put a few fans on, but I don’t want anyone passing out. We all know what happens when someone passes out by the lesbian midget sexbots.

  23. OUCH! That HURTS!
    Del, please don’t get any ammonia/bleach/flame on my wound. That would hurt even more.

  24. Hey! It’s that day where new stuff happens! We should get a good CARS post today.
    And maybe we should calm down a little. Tag isn’t nearly as much fun with a gaping head wound. Though if Cai has rabies, he might not calm down.

  25. There the Mega-Post is now clean again!!!!
    Um didn’t their used to be paint on the walls? Oops. The mixture may have been a little strong.

  26. yay for the keynote….
    although steve didnt show of Tiger integration/support for sexbots or lesbians!!! booo!

  27. Advertising Viagra in the Mega-Post seems kind of worthless. I mean who needs Viagra with lesbian midget sexbots.

  28. Yeah Del….ha ha haaaa….
    I mean…woo…..whos needs that Viagra stuff…..with all the cheeze….midgets….lesbians….and….ha haaaaa…yessss….
    yes indeedy…..
    only $69, eh?
    oh yeah….a friend wants me to get him some…..ahem….yeah….
    That Tiger eh? Phew….
    How about those new screens….ha haaaaaa “looks around”
    shut up dammit….

  29. Wooohooooooooo!!!!
    Yeah baby…..YEEEEAH!
    *sniff sniff*
    oh dear lord…….the stench…..*gags*

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