But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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Hey! Don’t give me that! I cleaned it really well!
*grumble* ungrateful, picky… *grumble*
Did you give him grue scented sexbot?
I am so sick in the head. I’ve gotten addiction to the the old text adventure games using AIM/iChat. I played leather goddesses of phobos, HGTTG, and Zork! I missed those games.
Del, you really did a wonderful job of cleaning. The walls look so much better now that you can… see… the studs… and stuff.
Hmmm. I think there was a bit more than paint on the walls!
I wonder if Viagra can play tag, too, or if his mommy won’t let him stay. Poor wittle boy. Go running home to mommy. (Good riddance.)
I’m tired of tag now and the hairs on the back of my neck are tingling… kinda’ like Spidey-sense, I guess. Is there a grue in here?
Quick! Someone turn on the lights!
Oh, wait. They are on, or I wouldn’t be able to see the walls (or lack thereof). Guess it wasn’t a grue after all.
Del, that rules! How do you play text-adventures on iChat?
*looks around shiftily*
time passes…
*turns off light*
Add the friend infocombot
when you start talking to it, it will give you the info on how to start the game. You can even save and restore.
Very fun! I play at work.
Yeah sorry about the walls. Seems I thought I just took the paint off. I actually took the wall off. That’s actually the outside your seeing. Well, I guess the Mega-Post is big enough for everyone to live in now.
*screams like a girl*
Who knew there were so many grue in here.
Isn’t the plural of grue “grues”?
Is an orgy of grue called a gruesome?
Or “grues,” I’m not sure what the final word on plurals is yet.
No I think the plural of grue would be grue (like the plural of moose) or gree (like the plural of goose).
Gleeful gree eat scared bears.
I want a nap!
Yeah Holiday on Friday. NO worky for me!
*Kicks Free iPod mini square in the nuts*
Oops! Wrong mini.
wow Huck!
You kicked it so hard, it erased!!!!
Where’d that free iPod mini go? I wanted one.
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Well, the offer still stands…
Wow. I never even got to see the Free iPod mini… no, wait, that’s him there.
Shoot. I suck at kicking as much as I suck at golf.
Ouch. Threw out my knee, too.
*kicks free ipod mini rip*
man….this is harder than it looks!
Why can’t you just leave me alone and let me advertise in peace?
He disappeared? Shit! He disappeared (and reappeared, but hey)!
Hrm, what should I disappear next?
Do him again, do him again!!!!
*jumps up and down*
*points to spam*
kick him again, kick him again, Huck!
Observe closely class.
*gives Free iPod mini a boot to the head*
Now we continue. Ommmmmmmmmm…
Huck with his l33t ad-bitch kicking skills!
I wonder who’s doing that?
Hey… any of you guys getting paid?
Look at yesterday’s episode’s comments.
UhhhhhhhDude says:
“No it can’t be. The CARS staff isn’t taking the rest of the month off to let the readers start Mega-Post III, The Really Craptastic Sequel Where Everyone Just Shows Up To Get Paid.”
The implication here is that SOMEBODY’s getting PAID around here. Who is it? Which of you slimeballs is getting PAID to post to the MegaPost?!
Ooops. I meant, “Which of you is the slimeball who is getting PAID to post to the MegaPost?!”
No, wait, you might all be slimeballs. Hard to say.
* does a little MegaPost research *
Hey! Free iPod mini is the slimeball who is getting paid to post to the MegaPost!! Duh! And there was that other poster, but I think they were killed or something.
So, doing my share:
*swift kick to the groin of Free iPod mini*
Good teaching, Huck!
It’s free! Free, I tell you! Just a few minutes of your time! A quick survey! No catches!*
*And if there were any, do you think I would tell you about them?
I think a Terry Tate tackle request should be winging it’s way toward Mr. Free iPod Mini….
heh heh heh!
Dang, where’s Del? She’s the only one not gettin’ in on all the spirited spammer spurning. Waitaminit, you don’t suppose…? Nah…
Delllllll… ohhhhhhh, Delllllllllll!
* looks around
Did she get eaten by a grue?
* waits
I think she’s been eaten by a grue. Why, oh why couldn’t that happen to Free iPod Mini?
* sniffles
* bawls
* sniffles
Or she’s on vacation.
* sighs.
Or hooked on Infocombot’s addictive dope. I could see how that can happen. That thing’s cool!
* Gets totally lost in train of thought.
(sound of loud wrecking noise)
* Derails train of though.
Ouch. My head….
* Pounds Free iPod Mini into heap of bits on floor.
There. That gets the MegaPost back on track.
Ow! Ow! My click wheel! Aarrgh…ack…
I just want to say thanks to John and the rest of the CARS staff for the new mini they sent me for having the most first posts in the month of May. I especially thank the Entity for not abusing his power to get all the first posts himself, although I am not sure if CARS staff were exempt from winning.
Anyway, I just wish I had known when they announced the new mini prize that they meant a new mini SKIRT. Although wearing it in the heat and humidity of July really isn’t that bad.
And always remember – that’s my name too.
Sorry guys I was on my super secret mission to infiltrate a spammers head quarters and kick them in the groin in person.
My plan was going perfectly. I snuck into the spammers head quarters and hid behind a stack of iPod crates. Well it started to get dark and I hadn’t had my nap and I kind of fell asleep. When I woke up everyone was gone so I started to play with all their nifty Apple computers they had around. I pulled up iChat and hit the Infocombot for several hours until it looked like the sun started to come up.
The spammers head quarters were really neat. They had all sorts of Apple computers and displays. Software setup in neat racks and these really cool round squishy seats. It also had this massive screen I could watch all sort of stuff on.
When I thought I saw an employee coming I panicked. Instead of kicking them in the groin like I planned I attempted to rush out the back door into the rest of the mall. I accidentally knocked over an eMac and it kind of exploded. This started a small fire that burned down most of the store and a good portion of the mall.
But the spammer should be stopped since all of his computers are melted. How did I find them you ask? It was simple. I figured if they were handing out iPods so freely they must have a huge stockpile of them. I then wandered around checking out stores until I found one that seemed to have a really large supply of iPods. Ironically the spammer was holed up in some place called an Apple Store..
Um guys I think I’m going to lay low for a while……
No! Tell me you didn’t burn down the little squishy seats! They were so curvaceous! *sob*
Oh well, it was the fourth of july weekend. We can overlook a few exploding eMacs and firey sections of malls for the sake of patriotism and being All-American! Welcome back, you trooper you!
Footnote 16: curvaceous can also be spelled “curvacious”
Oh yeah! I almost forgot to welcome John Jacob! That’s quite the fetching skirt you have there, by the way. A better choice of minis to be sure… at least on you.
I think the hot dog restaurant was in the section of the mall that got burned down.
Steve would like that, he bathes in hot dog juice.
Looks like todays post is going to be even later than normal…what is the Moltzster doing these days?
Maybe he’s secretly the iPod Mini poster and he’s spent a few hours too many with us and he’s living out his own Cheez Whizz & lesbian fantasy in the CARS compound…..
*scratches head*
is it me, or was Uncle Steve using a modified iPod to control his slides on his keynote at the WWDC?!?!?
Gotta love Uncle Steve!
Yeah all the squishy seats were melted. My bad 🙁
Yes the hot dog place burned down as well.
So does that mean that eMacs are WMD?
Squishy! Squishy!!
yes yes!
Who knows Del…..it’s all….well…..weird….I gues!
Only one cup of coffee so far….how sick and wrong is that!
Neeeeeeeed more cofffeeeeee!
Arf arf arf!
Here you can have some of my coffee.
*Gives Cai a pot of very very strong coffee made with caffeinated water*
I’ve just about hit my limit for the day.
Gah! Are you trying to make Cai break the Mega-Post or something?
*trembles with fear*
Here Cai, have a free iPod mini!
I figured Cai would give us 1000 posts in a few minutes. And make it the “SUPER-MEGA POST”.
I guess we have our own fear factor now.
Hmmm… maybe there was enough caffeine in there that he passed out!