We’re off next week

But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.

1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”

  1. raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

  2. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    wooooo………*looks at free iPods’ sister*
    Hey baby *nods* how you doin? *winks*

  3. Holy jeez… Cai’s pimpin’ da hos? This really is the Superultramegapower-Post.
    Well we’ve got to start somewhere haven’t we?
    *kicks Free iPod mini’s sister square in the nuts*

  4. Hey there! *winks*
    Do you have, ah…..another sister! *wink wink*
    *touches your shoulder*

  5. oh hey…sorry dude…..I got caught up there in a coffee coma…*yawwwwwns*
    !uhm…..need coffee!!!
    Oh and hey…..check this out b-man….
    *lifts free ipod mini’s sister skirt*
    it’s a girl dude…..
    now….wheres the coffee………
    we need to be on 1000 by the time the iTunes store hits 100 mil!

  6. Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
    Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream to dream before
    But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
    And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, `Lo-ser!’
    This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, `Lo-ser!’
    Merely this and nothing more.

  7. ooooohhhh…..I have bliiiiissssteeeerrrrrssss!
    Well hey…iTMS reaches 100 mill, how groovy…….
    we’re almost at 1000 posts, but not quite near enough….
    oh well….dammit…..I’m out of coffee again….how the heck does this happen!!
    Oh well….boooble….time to look on-line for flights to Calgary!!

  8. Great Huck when you kicked iPod mini’s sister in the nuts you sent the bag all over the Mega Post. There’s macadamia everywhere and I’m pretty certain one of those nuts had my iTunes music backed up on it.
    Now I’ll never be able to find it. Especially now that Howard has started eating them.

  9. Awww ICK. Howard just pooped the nuts in Cai’s coffee. Does anyone know a company that does nut data recovery?

  10. Oh, that’s too gross.
    Sorry I had to leave, folks. Little vacation was required, you know.

  11. Hey hey hey,
    no probs Bill…welcome back!
    Did ya go anywhere good…
    hey….ya know….you leave for a moment and come back and things get better….
    take the coffee……it now comes with chocolate sprinkles….

  12. it’s crunchy….yet chewy….
    *chomp chomp*
    it’s quite strange really, it’s almost…..well….gritty!!
    But damn….it’s sure tastes good!

  13. Yummmmy yum yum!
    Who wouldve thought that we wouldve reached (almost) 700 posts, eh??
    I bet Mr Moltzy didnt have a clue it would rise to the lofty hights it has!!!
    *raises new type of mocha*
    heres to the next 300 posts…
    and this great new choco-coffee……

  14. oh yum……I love shots of that!
    lets do shots, del!!!

  15. Gah! It feels like I’ve been hit in the small of the back with a large and extremely disreputable cocktail party. Oh!
    *notices large and extremely disreputable cocktail party*
    *hits it back*

  16. woooooo!
    I luuuuuurve those cocktail parties!!!
    Mooooorreeee shooteerrrrrzzzzz! *hick*

  17. WELCOME TO THE 700th POST!
    ONLY 300 MORE UNTIL 1000!
    Let the party commence!!!
    woo woo woo woo woo!

  18. Who me??
    damn….need coffee…..*slurps*
    ag…..I dont know about this new coffee so much now!
    It doesnt keep very well….I mean…*sniff sniff*…..
    it’s starting to smell a little weird….and it tastes…..
    but ya know…..when in Rome….

  19. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I LOVE the smell of the stuff.
    * deep sniffing sound heard *
    Ahhhhh… the smell of a nice, fresh, nutty coffee… with a hint of… what’s that?…
    …wet dog?
    Weird coffee, y’all.

  20. Shots of tequila with a coffee chaser? I’m almost drunk enough to do that.
    Put some music on and lets get this Cinco de Mayo party rolling!!
    Man I don’t think I’ve ever been at a party long enough that I had forgotten I was at a party.. Course could be the tequila or the after effects of my soul getting in a tug of war battle between Glaarku and Cthulu.

    Huck, please return to the MegaPost. We’re having trouble with the coffee again.

  22. Huck is too busy playing in the NEW posts to care about us in the MegaPost.

  23. Wooooooo!
    I think I’ll pop over to the new posts *gak* and see what hucks up to…….
    *wonders off*
    *somewhere a door slams*

  24. *falls into the Mega Post*
    seems like be and the Bill-ster had the same idea……
    maybe Huck will be back soon…..

  25. Well, I can see in my absence that the mega post has degenerated into mindless drivel. As opposed to the current CARS comments that start off as mindless drivel.
    What we need is a good quality discussion that will attract new posters to the Mega Post. Maybe someone can recommend a good book they have written lately. Or a comparison of the Mac SE to the iMacs to be unveiled in September.
    On a more personal note, one of the benefits of wearing my CARS provided mini is that I no longer have to worry about what happened to my pants.

  26. We could talk about how to modify a Mac SE into a Mac SExbot. A colleague at work suggests all that is needed would be a drill, but I think it would be more complicated than that.

  27. Jeez! Save me some booze, you damned lushes!
    But don’t save me any coffee. I don’t… trust… that coffee.
    *pokes the coffee with a stick*

  28. *coffee pokes back*
    Heres a bottle of tequila with your name on it!
    See I wrote your name right there.

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