But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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Whuh-oh, it sounds like Cai is becoming unstable. He may have to be contained before he detonates! Someone… um, contain him. I’m gonna be… over here… with my tequila.
Sorry I’m a bit busy with my tequila also… If we give him enough alcohol he’ll pass out.
*hits her stash of everclear*
Here Cai drink this.
*hands everclear to Cai*
hmmmmmm maybe I’ll keep some everclear for myself.
I think I’m going to pass out.
This looks like a good spot…
Oh yeah btw I have KITTTENS!!!! WOOOO HOOOO
Kittens? That reminds me:
The Guppy
by Ogden Nash
Whales have calves,
Cats have kittens,
Bears have cubs,
Bats have bittens,
Swans have cygnets,
Seals have puppies,
But guppies just have little guppies.
So, are you saying you’re a cat?!
I say! This is MOST unattractive.
First, we have Howard pooping all over the place, including in peoples’ coffee. Second, there’s Cai over there, pretty well passed out. Third, Huck’s wearing some kind of mini, and I’m not sure if that’s gasoline leaking on the floor or not, but it certainly can’t be good. Del is in a heap nearby. Fifth… oh, a fifth of tequila is gone! But it is nicely decorated, thanks to Del’s incomparable penmanship. (Penwomanship?)
The walls are gone, and other physical damage is just too much to recount here.
I guess I may as well start cleaning up. We really do have to get our acts together and resume sensible discussion. If Moltz got wind of this, he’d.. he’d… hell, I don’t know what he’d do. Probably take Howard to a safer place, at the very least, and then admonish us all to clean up our act and start discussing something rather, er, sensible.
Like the Mac SE. I never had one. A girlfriend of mine did, and I helped her upgrade the hard drive…
* giggle *
…from a non-hard drive SE to a hard drive…
* giggle snicker *
…. Oh, hell, Del, pass the… Oops! You’re passed out. Huck, can you help me get the bottle of tequila from her?
I am SO not here.
*hands b-man a fifth of something clear a foul smelling*
Now you are! ^^
I’ll have you all know that I was SOOO drunk that I couldn’t be bothered to write out “and” and instead when I reached the “a” I just gave up.
Oh and b-man, since you’ve just arrived, I’m afraid you’ll have to chug…
Whoah, I guess I didn’t need to tell you!
evaaaaaaaaacleeeeeheeeeeerrrrrrr! *urp* *hick*
tastes like…..spiiiiiiiiderrrrrrrzzzz!
ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
*huck huck huck*
mommy, whats a gravedigger?
aaaaannnndddddd, remember people….no riding the donkey, until you’ve paid your money….
*falls over*
Dammit! I am NOT just another sound you make when you’re drunk!
What a night! Good thing I don’t get hangovers. Hey who stole my bottle of tequila?
I have a confession to make … Yes I am a cat.
*strokes da kitty*
Wow Cai your up early or late.
With all the alcohol you drank I thought you’d be sleeping for a few more hours.
Someone made a fresh pot of coffee and Bill did a great job cleaning the place up. He didn’t even melt the paint off the walls… or the walls off the walls like I did last time.
Awww look at the lesbian midgets all passed out in the corner. Don’t they look sweet with their little hands curled around their bottles of Wild Turkey. That one’s got a 40 of Colt 45. It’s almost as big as she is.
wellllll….ya know!!!
Besides……it’s almost 5pm here….heh heh heh!
But hey!
yeah…*looks around*….bill did a sterling job!!
Chug chug!
Regurgitate regurgitate!
*waves bottle impotently at everyone*
Translation: “Stop making so much noise!”
Hey why is Bill passed out with a bottle of Tequila that has my name on it?
I’m going to build a giant fortress for my kittens out of G5 Xserve boxes tonight!
Oh yeah? Well I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll…
Huck you don’t sound good. Maybe you should take a hit off your asthma medication or maybe quit smoking those 2 cartons a day.
I feel happy! >:o
What are you doing feeling up the dwarfs? I think he came to “visit” one of the lesbian midgets.
Look now Doc and Sneezy are jealous they aren’t getting felt.
Psst… Del… Psst…
Over here, Del, I’ve got a couple of articulated arms that you can bolt onto your Mac SE for your Mac SExbot project. Don’t tell anyone — but I got them from the dumpster behind the CompUSA. I think some customers had gotten into a scuffle over the last two CompUSA iMacs when things got ugly — real ugly.
I’ll feel better knowing that they will live on as part of a Mac SExbot.
No, I wasn’t one of the customers — honest I wasn’t. The key board imprint on my forehead? Why, I fell asleep in front of my Mac, yeah, I fell asleep.
Okay now, can you pass me the tequila. It’s the creepiest thing, but these zombie boxes have been following me ever since I dug through that dumpster. They keep looking at me. It is starting to freak me out now.
*slurp* *slurp* *slurp*
Okay, now that I’m here, I’m starting to think the zombie boxes aren’t the only thing to worry about.
Do I even want to know what that smell is?
Actually, I only came in here because I thought I could make a quick buck off of these articulated arms. But, maybe I could just trade them for one of those iFlames that people were talking about on the street. Well not actually the street. It was in the alley — a really dark alley. So, got any iFlames left?
*Looks around*
*Sees coffee shuffling closer*
*Takes another swig of tequila and shuffles away from coffee*
So, um, any offers on the articulated arms?
*Notices Cai’s oddly mesmerizing eyes*
*Starts to run, but can’t remember where the door is. Damn tequila.*
Hi! What’s an articulated arm?
it’s an arm….that……articulated….
Where be moi booze?
arf arf arf!
*hugs del* where on earth did you get all those Xserve boxes? hmmmmm?
Seals go Arf Arf Arf.
Cows go Moooooooooooooo.
Cais go Wibble!
Please to excuse my foreign accent. I am usink an overseas keyboard.
How do you use an overseas keyboard you ask?
With very long arms, of course!
I’ll be performing all night in the men’s room at Chez Whiz on February 29 for those who’d like to hear more of my routine. Yeah, I know. That’s not until 2008.
Hey articulated arms. SWEEET!!! Those will work perfect for the Mac SExbot project.
Thomas, I can’t give you an iFlame, but I can give you 10 full bottles of tequila. I suggest you drink half and then stuck a rag into the end of the others, light them, throw them, and then run like hell. It’s not quite an iFlame, but it is affective.
Someone else might be able to give you an iFlame. I’m not allowed to play with them anymore after the incident.
I have lots of G5 xserve boxes because we just setup 60 🙂
*hides in XServe box with his iFlame*
I love iFlame Tag!
Um, hey, um, guys? Could I get a hand?
Great, thanks. Now, about the mess that has _just_ been made all over the what-was-a-clean MegaPost (thanks, b-man)… guess you’ll be wanting to step around that for a while. I’ve got to sort through these boxes that Cai’s brought in and…
Hey! Cool! An articulated arm! You know, an arm, that’s, um, articulated!
Oh, back to what I was doing. OK, on a serious note, say, a B-flat, since I’ve always thought B-flat was kinda serious, I really do need to clean up this mess again, so please don’t catch anything much on fire, OK?
Fire cleanses all!
*Del runs rampant with the iFlame*
Be clean!
It shall all be spotless when I am done.
Cai here’s an iFlame and some Ultra-Caffeinated coffee.
Cleanse this post! Make it clean.
*hands Cai an iFlame*
Fire has given me power! I now have two first posts to my name!
Hmmm I think my iFlame has scared everyone away.
Well I might a well turn if off. I’m nearly out of fuel anyway.
iFlame people who write stupid things.
Wow you must have an endless supply of fuel.
Thanks for the tequila Del.
Oooh, HOT coffee — maybe if I sober up a bit I can find my way out of here.
Nah, I’ll just go to sleep on this snuggly Xserve box instead.
*Thinks for a moment*
Is that allowed in the MEGApost? Is sleeping off of tequila allowed?
Just what is the sobriety requirement in here anyway? I can’t remember when I could last walk a straight line — of course all of this crispy Cheez Whiz on the floor could have something to do with that.
Ahh, comfy Xserve box. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Snort. ZZZZ? ZZZ! ZZZZZZZ; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, hrumph snort, zzzzzzzzzz.
Hey, look. I… um… posted. Here are some links.
http://www.x-plane.com -> good flight sim. Click on “X-Plane’s Secret” in the top right corner for fun.
http://www.orbitersim.com -> Space sim. It’s not made for mac. SHAME ON THEM. Er… him. Really, its one guy at some univeristy in England. So maybe… he just doesn’t know how. Someone out there willing to tell him how? No? Ok. Nevermind then.
http://www.nucor.com -> Steel company, the subject of an assignment I’m supposed to be doing now.
Your star BURNS! I require FROZEN TREATS!
Let the record show: I posted.
I did.
*leaps out of Xserve box*
*tags Del with an iFlame and disappears into the firey raining debris*
Oh, and congratulations on that first post! It was spectacular! I especially liked how you snuck right in front of someone else saying “First Post.” And then you didn’t even say it! Bwahahahaha!
First post…on July 16th!
*takes a bow*
Thank you Thank you Thank you.
For my next trick I saw put my hair out since Cai set it on fire when he tagged me earlier.
Thomas the general sobriety rule of thumb in the MegaPost is be drunk enough you can take the crazyness and sober enough you can still watch your back.
Other than that anything goes.
Hey….it wasnt me that tagged you with the iFlame!!!!
I’m getting bad press without it being me…….wibble!!!
Eh heh…
*hides iFlame behind back*
that huck….he’s a little rascal……a rascal I tell ya!
*wags finger at huck*
Now then, young man, what HAVE you got behind your back?
*looks at huck sternly*
and if it’s anything other than a lesbian midget, you’re in trouble….
*dresses iFlame up like a lesbian midget*
You’re right Cai! How ever did you know?
Here, let’s put a little cheeze whiz (fresh from chez whiz ooh la la) on it, and it’s ready for a good time!
Uh, just don’t… don’t press this thingy over here.
Of course you were kidding, Huck.
*dodges sudden burst of flaming death*
I know kung-fu!