We’re off next week

But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.

1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”

  1. Yeah, it’s pretty hard to tell there’s any life around here, huh? What with the smell of rotting flesh and the sight of rotting flesh…
    …and the sound of rotting flesh, and the taste of rotting flesh, and…
    the complete lack of posts. Big one there.

  2. Aieieieieieieieieieieieieieiieieieiieieieiieeieiei!
    I’m here….I’m here! *jumps up and down, squelching in the rotting flesh and cheez whizz*
    Well, I have moments of not being here-ness, as it were!!
    I work with windows, ya know *gak* – they pay me to!
    anyhoo….we all know that Windows machines are generally, well, bent…..well….the ones I have to deal with are pretty much Pretzels!!!
    doom-de-doom….sorting em all out…..woooooooooo!
    oh nark…..I got more mail….*runs off*

  3. I wonder if we should consider hiring some of those Ninja dudez to send out PR to encourage more MegaPost posting. I mean, they should pretty well be done with the iPod gig seeing as how Monday is old news now.
    Anybody want to write the press release? Should it emphasize the iFlame, Cheez Wiz, or the lesbian midgets? How ’bout the sexbots? Or maybe all of ’em?
    This could be a PR nightmare….

  4. Sorry Cai. With my hair on fire I had a hard time telling who set me ablaze.
    I just got out of intensive care. They say the burns should be fully healed in 2-3 months.
    Sweet sweet morphine.

  5. awwwww!
    *hugs del*
    On the PR Front I say everything….yay!
    Best to have all bases covered….
    all your lesbian midget base are belong to us?
    someone set us up the iFlame?

  6. Thanks for the hug I needed that.
    Maybe we need lesbian midget ninja sexbots. That would get a lot of people interested in the MegaPost.

  7. I like Bill’s idea to have them give everyone press releases about posting on the mega-post. In fact, that might be the bestest way evar.
    We would probably need a new pres release every week just so everyone knows what new levels of violence, indecency, and general abusiveness we have achieved — I mean fun we have had.

  8. Thanks for the Haiku Huck.
    I think press releases are a great idea. Does anyone know where we can hire some ninjas?
    Maybe we should deliver the releases stuffed into flaming bottles of Tequila. That should get everyones attention.

  9. Someone… get… me… air…
    Huck’s post causing great… laughter….
    Breathing… is… too… hard…
    Huh huh…. (Insert puerile joke about having said “hard” here.)

  10. Huck that is TOOOOO funny.
    I choked on my coffee when I read that. Maybe we could make the MegaPost home to dirty haiku’s and limericks.
    Here is a classic Nantucket limerick created by Myself.
    There once was a girl from Nantucket
    Who said give me a cock and I’ll suck it.
    She sucked them with flair
    A self made millionaire
    Because the sperm bank pays ten bucks a bucket.
    I know thats terrible. I deserve to be iFlamed again.
    *aims iFlame at head and pulls trigger*
    Sweet Sweet Morphine.

  11. Oh, sweet, sweet morphine,
    Please work your magic on Del,
    And drown an iFlame.

  12. *assumes ninja stance*
    Ninja of the press
    Megapost news to you quick
    dont get in the way

  13. Good lord, y’all have been busy. That was quite a press release Cai! Makes me proud to be a part of the Mega-Post it does. Haikus rock so goddamn much…

  14. Whoo hoo it’s working already..
    my tricky ways help
    to lure to the MegaPost
    seems to be working

  15. *sniff*
    Cai thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.
    Cai likes to flatter
    By florid words in Haiku
    And now I will blush

    Thats the longest work I know outside of SUPERCALIFRAGALISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS! (spelling?)

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