But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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Congratulations Mega Posters,
posting unread missives
unheard voices in the wind
bytes and bits dissolve
Ok that is weird. What in the hell is the deal with the Haikus (haiki? what is the plural?)
you’d know you’d had
the l33t ninja press release
now you’re in the dark
Haikus may be hard
To write without a handy
Online thesaurus
There once was a young poster on CARS,
Who swore off drinking in bars,
I have to you see,
Otherwise I see,
Tiny green men from Mars.
And limericks!!!! Is that what the Grand and Noble Mega-Post has desended to?
Ok I know I have no right to iFlame the Mega-Post since I have negleted the Mega-Post since it reached 500. I’m sorry. What can I do to atone?
I anxiously wait
for the new iMac to be
released in purple
I know!
Make a bunch of silly pointless posts!!!!
No Problem!
Is there a World Record for pointless, unrelated comments posts to a single message?
We’ve long since past that
billidancer, thats old hat
we kick ass, thats that!
Are there any rules about not counting consecutive post from a single post with in a certain period of time?
Good job Bellidancer. Nice limerick.
Welcome back.
What a wonderful homecoming. Oh great now I’m crying. I know what will take care of that.
Sweet Sweet Morphine.
speaking in Haiku
thoughts twist and strain to fit in
my mind will explode
Cai, Stop the madness! This haiku speak is dangerous. Remember what our mothers said, “Stop doing that or your ________(<- insert noun here) will stay like that!”
Thanks Del,
Say, do you guys live here? You got to get out and some fresh air.
she loves sweet morphine
the megaposter called del
oh how we dig her!!
There once were two posters, Cai and Del,
And in the Mega-Post, they did dwell,
Though they posted in others,
To the Mega-Post, they were mothers,
Oh, they cared for the Mega-Post Cai and Del.
I have written more poetry ( admittedly bad) in the last twenty minutes than I have written in twenty years. I have to get out of here!
the madness will go
who knows when it will leave us
just not right now, kay?
I just re-read the MegaPost from the beginning.
I nearly LMAO.
Huck your blackjack haiku is priceless. Even on second reading I lost it.
come to us we say
you came for the lesbians
stay for the Haiku
I write in the MegaPost from work
I post so much my duties I shirk
and if I get fired
I may not get rehired
My job prospects poor unless I lurk
home time:
away I must go
to launder and clean, oh yes
good bye megapost
No one patrols the MegaPost. They start reading and *POOF* their heads explode. Usually after reading one of Cai’s diatribes.
If their head doesn’t explode we usually kick them in the nutsack.
I am off to mow
My stupid lawn grows quickly
I should iFlame it
I don’t remember
How the Haikus got started
It’s my fault I’m sure
Grammar Police, I,
Ignore the postings by Cai,
Lest my brain explode.
(See you Friday.)
No Del, not your fault
Huck started the haiku thing
But it’s pretty cool!
(yeah i know, stupid)
smile to you it brings
when the MegaPost you read
an odd little world
will fate be so kind
a thousand posts we will reach
on August thirty-first?
Cinco de Mayo
This party is much too wild
oh my aching head!
Bet you didn’t know
Howard the talking dog is
fab Photographer?
John, Chet, Masako
Ugluk, and The Entity
cool website have you!
Whoa, the Mega-Post has logged OVER 60 POSTS TODAY.
That is insane.
This is the evil abandoned twin of CARS. This is the neglected, the despised, the cursed. And yet…and yet…this little ghetto often out posts the regular comments section…and it has grown and matured!!! I am amazed at the quality of the posts now.
though base beginnings
maturity comes with time
worth beyond compare
A new day is born
much work needed to be done
I cant be bothered
Well done everyone
the haikus are popular
it’s a brave new world!
For b-man’s clarification:
Haiku, the first, not mine
From Del, the first, so fine
Mega-Post, her words missed
Left the rest of us pissed
Yet enchanted, I sang back in kind.
roses are red,
violets are blue,
The Megapost ownz yor azz!
If the MegaPost now owns my azz; does it mean I can start having all my bills forwarded here? Can I even charge something from the Apple Store on the MegaPost’s store account? Please? Pretty please?
I promise to share anything I get at the Apple Store with the rest of the MegaPost — just promise to clean the Cheeze Whiz off before returning stuff to me.
Sorry Mister Tom,
the megapost ownz yor azz
not the bills you make
I return to the
MegaPost, bright eyed, wired, and
Ready to Haiku
Who would have thought Haiku would be so popular.
We are a poetic bunch. Bunch of what I don’t know. Nice ones Cai and Huck. I can see it now
*dramatic music, screen fades to black*
In 50 years the MegaPost will be released in book form and it will be read in coffee shops across the world. The coffee shops will begin serving a new nutty flavored coffee and Cheez whiz and lesbian ninja midget robots will rule.
Del has a vision
a vision of the future
and yea, it was good!
I have decided that everyone who emails me for tech support will get replies in Haiku form. I wonder if anyone notice.
Your Windows is Hacked
Would you like me to upgrade
You to linux now?
Your blue screen of death
is so unattractive would
you like an iMac?
Is the plural of
haiku like the plural of
grue? Is it haiki
That are afraid of
the gree? Is it Haikus that
were eaten by grues?
I’ll turn of the light
then we will know if it is
gree grues or haikus
I think I’m going to curl up in a g5 box and have a mental breakdown now.
*opens bottle of tequilla*
I need a new job
while del is snuggled asleep
I’ll steal her cool job
Hey someone stole my
nifty job please give it back
nevermind it sucked
I bet mine sucks more
too many windows machines
they make my spleen hurt
I wanted to drink in my box
So I could hide from my work clocks
But my kittens did pounce
Before I drank an ounce
I would get more liquor in Detox
Cai you are correct
Your job does suck a lot more
I support linux
Unix and Mac too
There are a lot less zombies
and viruses for
Me to have to fix
Windows support is very
harried and tired
Windows sucks big ass
but there is a light that shines
My Mac their ass
forgiveness desired
foul aspersions regretted
miserable I
foul loathsome young thing
hold thy highly sharpened tongue
we are hard workers
abase myself, I
am lower than a tiny flea
biting ones of worth