We’re off next week

But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.

1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”

  1. What is this? Shakespeare in haiku? If so, there should be a sword fight, or better, an iFlame duel!
    For the discussion about occupations:
    Computer support
    Is not for me, for I am
    waste paper basket

  2. Wow Huck that is really deep.
    For my job I can
    not complain. They give me a
    powerbook g4
    Fifteen inches of
    beautiful titanium
    skin. Shiny perfect
    Though it does not have
    an internal firewire port
    Why were those put in?

  3. uhh
    No good bard am I,
    Comparison unworthy,
    I fall on my sword
    There… swords and bards

  4. Cai,
    How do I go about licensing my azz so that I can take it for walks outside of the MegaPost?
    Hope those licensing fees aren’t too high — if I were ever in arrears in paying my monthly azz licensing fee, I’d hate to think of what those MegaPost Ninjas would do to me.
    Azz Owned by MegaPost (TM)

  5. *Clears throat*
    I am pleased to announce that SCO will offer licenses for bottoms. That’s right, for only $699.00 per year, you can license your bottom from SCO.
    And take it from me, SCO will sue the pants off of anyone who infringes.
    *Scurries off into darkness*

  6. Mmmm… I just had three cupcakes. That makes me think that the licensing fee to take Azzes for walks should be giving me a cupcake — one with sprinkles on it. And I think you should have to write “pwned” on your ass in thick permanent marker. And maybe draw a face, but without the mouth, because you don’t need to draw that… huh, huh.

  7. on vacation I now go
    will miss one thousand
    sadness and sorrow
    by the time I check back in three weeks, you guys could reach 1300!

  8. Nice positive thinking Bellidancer.
    In recent news today SCO is rethinking their strategy to sue the pants off of those who are noncompliant in properly licensing their Azz from SCO.
    “Sure on paper that looked like a good idea. We thought how cool it would be to sue the pants off of people like Jay Lo or that Heinen chick from Apple”, states a legal representative from SCO. “It’s not working like that at all! So far the only people we’ve managed to sue the pants off of are gross hairy sweaty men. Half the legal staff quit after SCO vs. Cletus and the rest of us are still nauseous. I’m still having nightmares over that.”
    SCO then laid out its new plan to sue the pants onto people. Their first case SCO vs. Bubba is expected to be heard sometime next month.
    When Bubba was interviewed regarding the pending SCO case he stated, “Ifin mah pigs can show their giant pink azzes I shor nuff should to.” He then proceeded to pick up a banjo and the reporter fled for his life.
    Novel has issued a statement stating that SCO only licensed the ability to look at the Azzes not to cover or uncover them.

  9. Here Cai you can have some of mine.
    I will give Cai drugs
    cause he gives me lots of hugs
    What else rhymes with drugs

  10. Fer alla mah fella sheep-fuckers out thar:
    piss drunk on whiskey
    ridin’ mah washtub bass, ah
    maght be a redneck

  11. Some weird chick named Del walked up to me and said that she would sneak up and iFlame me if I didn’t post in the Mega-Post. It was really weird because I’m pretty certain she was speaking in Haiku.

    My harassment of the masses is working.
    Hmmm I wonder who else I can threaten.

  13. Shame Del.
    Not only did you threaten a poor little defenseless furry creature, you glory in the mad power of the MEGA-POST.
    Overweening pride,
    Power from the Mega-Post,
    Harrassment of the masses.
    Not a pretty picture…but hey what ever floats your boat.

  14. YAY your posting from vacation. What a trooper.
    I think it was a fair trade though. I taught that little squirrel to type and now he’s got a high paying IT job for the Government. He said it was hush hush, something about burying data.
    Squirrels defenseless!!!? Read http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/2415095.stm I was lucky to escape with my life.
    Little humble squirrel
    I fear your savage attack
    Sharp daggers for teeth

    I screwed up that last Haiku. Worse I care! I have given the Mega-Post less than my best. I deserve to have the HEP (Haiku Enforcement Police) land on my azz. (You’ve see the HEP haven’t you. Kimonos…scary white masks. *Shudder*

  16. I give up. There is no way to count messages in this dang place.
    Oh, I checked out the squirrel story. You’re right Del. Squirrels can be scary. If you looks one in the eye you see madness. Black beady eyes. You looking to their souls and you know they are just thinking, ” I wonder what their blood tastes like.”
    On the other hand, how does Cai know squirrels taste like dirt? I haven’t look Cai in the eye…but I have read his posts. Madness!
    nuts of doom Does that describe us, Cai?
    Bellidancer – Nut of Doom!

  17. Watch out Huck likes to kick nut sacks so don’t crawl into any sacks. You might get a boot to the head.

  18. The Net Song (from The Boys Scouts of Canada website.)
    I’m a Nut
    I’m a little acorn, small and round,
    Lying on the cold, cold ground.
    People come and step on me.
    That’s why I’m so cracked, you see.
    I’m a nut. (knock, knock) I’m a nut. (knock, knock)
    I’m a nut. I’m a nut. I’m a nut. (knock, knock)
    I also found the folowing version
    The Nut Song
    The Nut Song
    I’m a little acorn brown,
    Lying on the cold, cold ground
    Everybody steps on me
    That is why I’m cracked you see
    CHO: I’m a nut tch tch (sort of a clicky noise)
    I’m a nut tch tch
    I’m a nut I’m a nut I’m a nut tch tch
    I can sing and I can dance
    I wear ruffles on my…
    sorry, boys, guess again
    I wear ruffles on my dress
    Called myself on the telephone
    Just to see if I was home
    With myself I made a date
    Had to be there by half past eight.
    Took myself to the movie show
    Sat myself in the very first row
    Wrapped my arms around my waist
    When I got fresh I slapped my face
    Grandpa’s beard is long & gray,
    Growing grayer day by day,
    Grandma eats it in her sleep
    Says it tastes like shredded wheat,
    Coca cola came to town
    Pepsi cola shot’em down
    Dr. Pepper fixed him up
    Now we all drink 7up
    Seven up got the flu
    Now we all drink Mt. Dew
    Mt. Dew went up the mountain
    Now we all drink from a fountain.
    Bellidance, NoD (Nut of Doom)

  19. I learned that song too. The verses are identical to the longer version you have except the first verse is:
    I’m a little coconut
    sitting in a coco tree
    everyone who passes by
    comes along and sits on me
    CHO: I’m a nut *knock sound*, I’m a nut *knock sound* I’m crazy.
    Second verse is:
    I’m a little N U T
    and I’m as crazy as I could be
    I can sing and I can dance
    and I have rumples on my *pause*
    boys take another guess
    I have rumples on my dress.
    The rest were the same. I haven’t thought of that song since I was in 3rd grade.

  20. My nut kickin’ leg’s a-twitchin’ but I dunno which nut ta kick. I only gots one leg! Maybe I can get a sexbot to help me, they got an S&M mode, right?

  21. *Screeeeeeeee!*
    *Unintelligible teenager sounds*
    *Waves $120 dollars in air*
    Where do I buy the tickets? Gotta buy the tickets!

  22. Daryl, Listen pal, I can’t take the pressure anymore. It was me. I took your code. Hah. I feel better now.
    Oh, and lawsuits — you can’t hire enough lawyers to make ME put MY pants back on. Naner Naner you smell like a bananna…
    Oh, one more thing. I want my money back — with interest. Buwhahahahaha!
    *Looks around*
    Let’s see, what do I want to “innovate” today. I’ve got it.
    MS to announce the Ms. Bot to be released in 2009 or 2010 or 2020…

  23. Nooooo! MS can’t make sexbots! They would crash in the middle of “running a program” and leave me with the beguiling BBOD (Blue Balls Of Death).
    *innovates Bill square in the nuts*

  24. Nice kick Huck; but it looks like Bill the Virus Monger scared folks away from the MegaPost.
    Time for me to start handing out the antibiotics.
    There, is everybody better now?

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