But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dr. Nick!
Seriously baby, I can prescribe anything I want
and….dont cal me baby!
Well…I have to bid you all a fond farewell (not for good, mind you!)
I’m going home to stuff Chinese food down my gullet and to watch cheesy martial arts movies and stuff…..
I’ll see you all on the flip side, I guess…..and I got the 270th post!
WooooOOOOOOOOhOOOOOOOOOOOO, baaaaaaaaaaaabeeeeey!
Startup the sexbots, goz the gophers are going wild!
really doesn’t make any sense, which is why I always use
The global economy must be in pretty good shape if this many people can devote all this time to posting and reading the posts. Either that or welfare programs are just way too large.
Q: My midgets are covered with cheeze and are on fire? Should I be concerned?
A: How are you fixed for sex-bots?
Q: We have three, not counting Eliza, who seems to have a bit of a grounding problem. That’s how the midgets caught fire.
A: You only have male midgets?
Q: Oh, no, we have lesbian midgets. We’d planned for HOT GIRL MIDGET-GIRL MIDGET ACTION WITH CHEEZE WHIZ, but things seem to be going badly.
A: Isn’t that called a Royale With Cheeze in France?
Q: You really don’t expect Moltz to ever come back, do you?
A: Nope.
Q: Well….that’s disconcerting, isn’t it?
A: Yep. Oh…can I interest you in some fine Amway products?
Q: Ok, now tht’s just completely over the line. That’s just offensive.
A: Just doing my job, ma’am.
Wasn’t Moltz the name of John Larroquette’s Klingon character in Star Trek III?
Oh wait, that was Maltz.
Yes, I know it means I’m a geek that I know this.
this doesn’t seem to be working.
I can’t believe there are so many people posting in this thread just for the sake of posting. You will never catch me posting gratuitously!
Ow! My spine!
Okay, not many jokes around but a lot of spam. May be I can contribute something with actualy content here..
1. CARS is down.
2. It is the finals week for many colleges in the US.
3. Moltz is probably taking his final exam now.
4. (okay, you continue..)
4. Financing was pulled by The Entity because even The Entity has to pay for Internet access and now can’t afford to underwrite CARS because his employees are all wasting his cash and manhours… personhours… oh, heck… thinghours on reading and posting to this thread.
That, and The Entity had to sell Moltz into servitude to the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon Six, whatever her name was, to make up the loss.
Old Jewish American W.W.II Veteran walks into a bar. He pounds back a few beers, and starts thinking of his war buddies. Then an Asian man walks into the bar and sits down. The Jewish Veteran walks over and slugs the Asian man knocking him to the ground and says “That was for Pearl Harbor”. The Asian man says “I’m Chinese, it was the Japanese that bombed Pearl Harbor”. The Jewish Veteran replies “Japanese – Chinese, what’s the difference.” And he returns to his table. After a moment the Chinese man gets up and walks over and slugs the Jewish man knocking him to the floor. And he says to the Jewish man “That was for sinking the Titanic.” The Jewish Veteran says “Are you crazy it was an Iceberg that sunk the Titanic!” The Chinese man replied ” Iceberg – Goldberg, what’s the difference.”
I do not need a hug. I am in love however, with sleep. Lately there have been relationship problems. I think she’s seeing someone else, even though I was so good in bed.
I think I’ll get nice and drunk so I can pass out, just don’t tell her I did it. She hates it when I meet up with my old friend unconscious. She thinks there’s something between us, but there honestly isn’t.
A virgin Jack and Coke, please. No? Scotch and water, virgin, then….Still don’t have it? Hmmm, well might as well give me the vodka.
JOKES! Alright, let’s see if I can do a joke.
Alright, here’s one.
So a woman goes to the supermarket and buys a lot of TV dinners, ice cream, and snacks. When she goes to the cashier to pay for it all, he looks at her and her items and says, “You must be single.” The woman is startled for a moment then replies, “Why yes, I am. Did you know from what I was buying?” The cashier then goes, “No, because you are ugly.”
Hah hah hah! It’s funny cause she IS! See, that’s the joke. She’s ugly…and the food. Cause she’s single. Cause she’s ugly…..
Oh, you’re no fun anymore….
So what’s Klingon for: “Moltz musta gotten a day job?”
By the way, it’s oddly compelling to watch burning lesbian midgets covered with cheeze whiz while they try to sell you Amway.
M. E. H.
How many worthless comments can we put here?
Think the crack CARS staff protects from Perl scripts?
Oh thank god. A new entry.
should one salute the flag then post ?
i forgot to mention there are some things thingsi really look forward to online. the new cars item/posts AND new additions to cmfiesta/milf hunter/ 8th st/ captin stabbin/mikes apt. pounder, my heroe
i think that cai sucks the ass of monkeys….hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!
iam here to stay so prepare for some serious Cai dissin baby, you better believe it. Anti Cai T-Shirts will be on sale soon, for more detials on anti-Cai goodies please phone 0880 ihatecia 4920.
wow that really worked!
10 more
wiffle-ball, anyone?
10 more reasons to destroy cai?
….um okay..
ok no.1 use of the word *meep*
no.2 his happyness gives me a migraiane
no.3 its a stupid name
no.4 he mentioned skateboarding. (it’s a crime)
no.5 cant get past 5, his post’s have retarded me.
It’s official: this has gotten silly.
Does it have to stop when the staff returns? Can we take this to a motel somewhere?
C’mon, let’s keep going! We’re almost there!
getting closer
and closer
Don’t give up now! You’ve never given up on anything in your life! Breath, dammit! Breath!
Wait, what are we doing again?
Shut up, John. This is our thread, not yours. Now get out.
huh? How many?
So Yeah
I expect that all of us should take a bow
Does bow sound like bough as in dough or bow as in wow i meant it as in bow as in wow… I am so confused
Well yeah so
302 yeah sexy people!!!!!!!
303 sounds better
So, Are we still posting here? Because the new article has only 20 Posts, I didn’t even bother to read them…
NOOOOOO! Lets keep going….
*jumps around*
Hey Anti-Cai Stuff? Cool….drop me the web store addy, I think I want me a T-Shirt! (do you do blue?)
and who is this Kai person?
let it not be said that I dont help the “spam the living faeces out of a comments page” cause.
Here I am, doing my bit.
I have to wonder why Moltz was imploring us to “breath,” seeing as how that’s a noun.
Argh! The grammar police strike again!
(And Moltz calls himself a journalist. Or does he?)
Hey, Moltz, are you a journalist?
And what suburb of CT are you from? (As if that were relevant.)
Yo, peace out.
Hey Cia, if U want i could drop u a huge nuclear bomb on ur head…….would u like that!,hahahahahaahhaahahaaaaaaaaaaa…..erm……………anyway?
(what the hell iam i doing hear agian)
What would u like on your T-shirt anyway Cia?
(A nazi Cross)
OK, while you all were sleeping I was hard at work sleuthing. Ponder this: Cai spelled backwards is iaC, which just happens to be the acronym for the Industrial Arbitration Court in Singapore. Now I have it on good authority that John was just in Singapore on his way back from a mother’s day visit to Borneo.
You can see where all this heading.
am i the only one riding the mega thread for now?
Nope…I’m here again! *hugs anti-Cai*
I think you’re unlov-ed, dude!!!
Ask john for some love….go on!
as for the shirt…I have no idea!!!
iac? wooooooooo!
No! NO! NO! I have no idea what you’re talking about….
pass the gumdrops please, nurse!
have you armed your weapon of Cai destruction?
you should check, ya know….coz…like, that would be totally embarrasing for you to stand and shout and then drop your bomb, and then……well…nothing….
now Cai (that would be me!) can drop the bomb anytime….
I dropped the bomb, baby boy!
Sweet christ!….can anyone else see the madness. I got plenty of love baby, infact i was loved enough not to get dropped on my head as a child, unlike some people……(Cia)
Is that a mushroom cloud i c forming?
Prep the nuke……my minions on Cia desruction!