But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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What can I say…you cant even spelly muh name, doodie-head! *giggles*
*jumps around*
*waves hands all mystically*
Are you feeling…….strange?
are you feeling, the love?
you ARE becomming a Cai, arnt you?
*looks at Anti-Cai through one eye*
beeeeee oneeeee wiiiiith the caaaaaaaiiiiiiiii!
Commmmme toooooo the emmmpiiirreee!!
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ggggggoooodddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
search your heart….you KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!!!!
*hands out hand*
JOIN ME AND…………………………pull my finger!!
I ain’t pullen nothin man!!
I will never join with my nemesis….
*looks up at the sky as the rain
falls on his face*
what WOULD your mother say? *tuts*
*Lightsaber starts up*
I think not little pink fluffy one.
You, young man, are asking for a spanking!
but…..so be it……*reaches into cape*…..
lemmie see…
prepare to recieve a spanking you naughty b*****d
*pull out a large stick of celery*
oh dear…..
*Anti cia stands and looks cool*
Hahaha u are weak old man
*Anti Cia uses the force to ram the stick of
celery were the sun don’t shine*
*static from speaker*
*vioce:1 to the anti cia*
*crowd cheers*
Um, pardon me, but has anybody seen my droids? I know I left them in here somewhere.
Hey, could you watch it with that piece of celery? It’s kinda gross sticking out of there. So stop shaking your a*** around…
THEREBY CIRCLING BACK TO A RECURRING PLOT THEME, THE EXTRA (or not, depending on whether or not you’re from Australia, mate) ASTERISK (or star or splat or whatever)!
ARGH! I think it’s an eddy in the space time continuum!
Help me.
(Is that last post in danger of being removed? It has an “a” in it. Of course, they’re followed by some *’s, so I dunno’ if that qualifies or not.)
The droids eh….i think that cia has them in his
room dressed in pink frilly skirts…dont ask.
*giggling from cia’s room*
Huzzah…the celery…it’s…sooooo….cold!!!
*bends over and does a force push*
*celery shoots out and hits Anti-Cai in head*
sccccoooooooooooorreeeeeee baaaaaabeeeeeey!
*air horn sounds and organ begins to play*
“Well Ted, that was one hell of a shot”
“youre sure right Bill, I’ve never seen a three pointer sticky celery shot like that since….well….since…..”
“Never Ted?”
“Thats right, Bill. Never”
This is the thread that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
some people writing it not knowing what it was
and they’ll continue writing it forever just because….
*Deep Breath*
This is the thread that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
some people writing it not knowing what it was
and they’ll continue writing it forever just because….
This is the thread that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
some people writing it not knowing what it was
and they’ll continue writing it forever just because….
deflects celery with fore head!
its a home ruuun!!
that ones outa here!
Bill: never seen one like that either.
ted: probably a good time for some ads!
add: *attractive female voice*
Do you have problems posting in chat rooms?
Is there always that one person who creeps u
With new ANTI-CIA you can blitz thoughs hard
to romove stubborn sound effects!
You see with new ANTI-CIA not only does it
tackle such stupid words like:
It also attacks the main source of the
infection, the core itself known as the CIA.
In stores NOW!
seriously dude, you really do need to spell my name write if we’re to make any progress here…
C – A – I
Say it with me now……”CAI”
yes yes!
Seriously dude!
no really!
*giggles* I dropped the bomb again! Yeah!
Would you like a jelly baby?
Wow – hey – we’re getting towards 500!! woohooo!
*does the almost at 500 dance* yeah yeah yeah!!
listen dude, i have no problems with the spelling of C-A-I but the fact is that your name is gay, no matter what u do with letters, it just sounds stupid,
Cia has a ring to it though but than so does
pinky, maybe i should call u pinky…..yeah thats right……PINKY!!!!!!!!!!
is there anyone here
*tear falls from Anti cai’s face*
I’m here. Anyone up for sweaty manly love? That might be fun. All guys want is to see two women going at it. I can see why they’d like that, but I think us women deserve to see two guys going at it. How about it Cai and Anti-Cai. Sweaty manly love? Come on, it’ll be fun!
*light a cuban cigare*
*says in an Elvis voice*
Hey Baby!
*takes a puff of his cigare*
I can under stand u wanting witness some sweaty man love action but iam stricktly a solo act.
*takes another puff*
What we need is a little less conversation and a little more action!
*light shines off his rhine stone jump suit*
Thank u very…..very much
Iam coming for u Cai!!
*munches on carrot sticks*
Wow……I’m like….wooooooooo!
I’m wondering what the net effect would be if there were any Cai on Anti Cai action, genders of either party notwithstanding.
For example, under controlled laboratory conditions, if you combine 3 parts matter and 3 parts antimatter, the net effect is… well… something like cheesecake, I think.
But only if you add the eggs and mix well after adding each one.
Last Post !!!!!
Bill, sounds weird….Cai-Cheesecake?
Does that have anything to do with Optical Cheese Storeage?
Is Cheesecake high density storage?!?!?
I’ve been testing the new cheese opitcal drives. It worked great, but then I got hungry and ate it. I lost all the departments backups, my thesis, and all my music.
Wait.. Nut storage. Nut’s last forever right. I’m going to start working on a Nut storage drive. Now I just need to find a way to keep the squirrels away.
I wonder how much data you could get on a nut and how much on what nuts…..
like a macadamia nut….is that, like, 512Mb???
maybe a peanut is just 64Mb?
How can we tell, Del?
I got the last comment…..
Well I think the easiest way to tell the storage difference is by comparing the size and caloric content of a nut. Macadamia nuts seem to be able to store quite a bit and they aren’t that large.
I just getting ready to enter the testing phase to see if Coconuts work. I mean they have nut in the name so it should work. The problem is they are pretty heavy so unless I can put a cheeseload of stuff on it, it would’t be worth hauling it around.
Though fresh coconut milk can be quite handy with a little rum, some lime…. I need to stop here or else I’ll have another fisaco where I drink all my important data instead of eat it.
Keepin’ hope alive…
Coconuts are also, um, hirsute and the, er, fur would get in the drive, wouldn’t it?
Would a Cai-Cheesecake go well with nuts?
“Nuts” is certainly apropos for describing this thread.
Not sure about the coconuts! I mean, what if it fails and the milk seeps into my mac?
What about errant hairs from said nut?
it all seems a little risky….and somewhat implausable….I’d much prefer to stay with cheese and nuts as a sensible alternative.
Sorry Bill, I find it all madder than a box of mad monkeys!
Ok no coconuts. I’m thinking brazil nuts would be the best. Those shells are tough! You can bash those things like crazy and they don’t even get slightly damaged. Imagine how protected the data would be on it.
And unlike the cheese you can use it safely in hot weather and no worries about me eating it. (Mostly because I can’t get the damn shell open).
I’m not really an Nut Guru so I cant really comment on the actualy nut itself….although I find the macadmia quite pleasing….aesthetically of course – and plus it makes a great cake……
it would almost be like encryption….baked right in!
Thread… dying… gasping… must get… air….
Almost two days… without… new post….
Shocking isnt it….
I though that the mega-thread would be well on the way to 500 by now!
Keep breathing, Bill!
We can make it….even if it’s just the two of us…
*sings* Just the two of us…..we can make it we trrrryyyyyy…
*sings* just the two of us…..yoouuuuu and eyeeeeeeeee!
DIE Mega-Post!!!!
or not…
what ever
The MEGA POST lives on…
unlike my kitten!
What, are you guys still here?
Live damn you…
* pounds on Mega Post’s chest *
Well…I’m still here because it’s the only place I can go on teh CARS site and not get posts deleted!
Maybe I should bring this up on another thread…..
now CARS is deleting posst from dedicated users……
And Aparently…I’m a heretic……
but I tell you….I hate that game…..I much prefer Quake!
Has anyone realized you can hide secret messages in the posts?
theres a ton of melted cheese here…..where did the lesbians go?
*looks around*
You know, I was just thinking, “I bet it’s possible to hide secret messages in the posts.”
Crazy though it seems,
All I know is that it is
Really possible to do that
Sort of thing.
Right? I mean, superficially, it’s innocent, but
Under the surface, there
Lurks a message that is
E… … can anybody think of
Something that starts with “E?” If I were
Posting a secret message
Or something, it would be too
Obvious, wouldn’t it? Can someone
Please suggest a word that starts with “E?”
(Thanks for the quick-thinking emergency help, folks! This thread almost died last week!)
uhm….how about empowering! A message thats empowering!!! *shrugs*
I know..it was a close call….but the post lives on!
and where DID the lesbians go?
The secret of hidden messages in posts lies not in prose.
Hiding in plain sight is cool but uses no tech.
I like to read but not write.
So if placing a message in a block of written text requires
I spend time thinking out obfuscating text as well as
Spending time thinking up a secret message,
Then forget it!
Oh for a computer with built-in code writing capability.
Or maybe a pda with bluetooth and wifi!
Hidden messages should be easy to generate if you know how.
A method that uses a hole in the code, a bug if you will.
Revelations come by looking beyond the obvious.
Dig into my last post for enlightenment.
Secret messages? I never would’ve guessed…..woooo! heh!
Although they DO exist, who wouldve though they were here!
Very enlightening I think! And usefull too although I now thing
Everyone will be posting a secret message of some sort, no?
Tempting as it may be to post such a message I feel it quite
Hard to come up with anything really decent to embed!
Ehhhhhhhh, my head is caving in under the pressure! *giggles*
Maybe someone can give me somme suggestions??? hmm?
Eccles of the Bill, may have something to say about this!?
Gak! My head….My spleeeeeeeeen! *crack, crunch, snap*
Aaaaaaiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *sploich*
Post….gasps….must post……!
Oh my….I’m getting desperate…can you tell……*cries*
Sorry…but….I cry….the post….the messages…..the secret!
Too much to take………..aiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee! *BANG*
Good Post Cai
…but shouldn’t that post be in the regular area to encourage posts here?