But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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But everyone else hates me……I live in the Mega Post now….when the Mega post goes….I fear I, too, shall wither away and die!
On the other hand screw it….
I’ll post in the new one! heh!
Posts to the Mega Posts are really getting thin on the ground….
man, even Bill isnt posting anymore….
Aw, quit crying. That just isn’t… manly? womanly? What the hell is a “Cai,” anyway?
Oh, who cares.
No, wait! Sorry! Forget I said that. There, there, now.
Cai, I’ve been patiently witholding posts in order to keep the three brain cells that I have (and two are on vacation) busy full-time on, er, work and, er, things that earn me money so that I can sit here and type “er” every now and then.
So, rejoice! The so-called “so-called ‘Mega-Post'” is not dead, nor thinning out. Rather, it’s approaching its “Golden Years.”
Or something like that.
I also am returning to the Mega Post. I have no idea why. I must have a very desolate and lonely life. *looks around* Why yes I do have a desolate and lonely life.
All I have are my midgets and some cheeze whiz. The lesbians ran away. Next time we should use lesbian midgets. They don’t run very fast.
Welcome back Bill and Del!
Yes yes….the golden years…..didnt David Bowie sing a song about that??? *scratches head*
The mega post IS compelling isnt it…I lay awake in bed, the posts just drifting past my minds eye…..
it’s all very relaxing, if a little annoying, in vue of the lack of sleep….but….mew!
As for what is a Cai….aha….now THAT would be telling!
(clue: I am Cai)
Maybe if you tied up the midgets with baby intestines, it would slow them down.
I just realized, I am like the grim reaper… I wait until the very end and then shout “LAST POST! WOO!” claiming it as my trophy
plus, i haven’t said fuck in a month and a hal…. FUCK! FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK!
ok, i haven’t said “fuck” in about 8 secon…. why am i such a dumbass?
btw… this is post 374…
that’s the first three digits of the date code of when i killed bill gates… will kill bill gates.. dammit… im gonna do nothing of the kind..
oh god. sirens, redmond’s finest are on to me
I just realized, if I had a nickle for every time I got a worm or virus, I wouldn’t be using a Mac.
In honor of my wife’s 50th birthday, I hereby contribute another post to the mega-post. A card noting this honor has been sent her.
I wonder if the mega-post will still be around for her 75th birthday?
I know where the lesbians went!
Article from Reuters:
Where Did They Put Their Ticket Stubs?
Sun May 23, 2004 10:07 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) – More than 80 British students threw caution and their clothes to the wind Friday to set a world record for the number of nudes riding on a rollercoaster.
The naked joy riders spent a hair-raising one minute and fifty seconds swooping around the rails of the gravity defying rollercoaster ride at a theme park south of London.
A spokeswoman at the park said 81 students from 15 universities took part in the record breaking stunt, which had never been attempted before.
Oh, heck, things got rowdy in here, what with all the naked roller coaster riders and all the, er, “friggin'” that Cyanide’s doing there. There’s just no call for that, people. Well, actually, I guess there is. Come to think of it…
*giggle giggle*
*snicker snicker*
*guffaw guffaw*
Sorry, I just cracked me up. Hurts like a bitch, too.
I haven’t said you know… the “F” word in just over 9 hourse. Oh fuck yea…..
I’m gonna go shoot myself now…
Then I’m gonna use themepark to change my arrows to wangs!
I am proud to be a part of the Mega post. And in years to come, people will look back on the mega post and wish they were here with us. We few, we brothers of the mega-post. And they will curse the day that they missed out of the biggest, most nastiest post of all. And we will tell our grandchildren that we were there, we were one of the Mega-posters. Now let’s get this sucker to 400 while our keyboards still have some ink left in them !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buy http://www.i-directv.net this it is a wonderful addition to anyones home entertainment system.
No!! Not Spam in the Mega-Post!!! We can surely make it to 400 without SPAM.
After all, we have the backing of dead American heroes! And this is Memorial Day weekend. Audie Murphy, Davey Crockett, General WilliamT. “War is Hell” Sherman…The list is huge!!! This is an election year. We Know the Democrats will be getting out the dead vote. We few…we determined…we crazy CARS readers should be able to get out geniune dead Americans to help us in our quest to 400.
I… I see… I see… stupid people.
They’re all around me….
It has been brought to our attention that certain posters on the Mega Post have been spreading the common misconception that lesbian midgets don’t run very fast.
It has greatly disappointed us at ERFLM (Equal Rights for Lesbian Midgets) that the Mega Post has dropped to this level of prejudice.
In support of our cause, I would like to remind everyone of the great Olga Smith, 1929 Olympic Silver Medalist in the 100m. She was a bit of a shortarse and was rumoured to enjoy a bit of muff diving.
I think I speak for lesbian midgets everywhere when i say that an apology is in order.
No Apology. As everyone with a decent state college education (that is to say, utterly illiterate like myself), Cheez increases the drag co-efficient of lesbian midgets making them hardly any faster than killer toasters.
Never once did I or my colleagues ever refer to non-cheeze covered lesbian midgets, who are quite speedy especially if properly oiled.
Note to Moltz: do you really think this would keep going on if you spent more time on site content and less time on screwing with MacOSRumors DNS listing. We’re onto you pal, and there could be ugly, cheeze-filled repurcusssions.
Ok die Hards,
What do we do now?
Jump ship like a pack of drowning rats? (wait rats don’t travel in packs, do they….mobs? no that’s crows…But then crows are just flying rats…right?)
Jump on the new bandwagon?
We only have a couple of days until this post scrolls off the page!
By the way, Philo and the honorable representative from ERFLM, great posts! This is certainly a topic to explore in greater depth. What is the maximum depth of the pool of cheez whiz that the lesbian midget can wrestle in without risking drowning?
Son of Mega Post?
I think not.
Here’s to the one – the original – the Mega-Post!
More Spam!! Damn the Spam! Full Speed Ahead!
Farragut, David G.
1801-1870, American Civil War Naval Officer
David G. Farragut, a nautical Ulysses S. Grant, operated with fixed purpose and flexible tactics. The Tennessee-born officer was rescued from desk service by his foster brother, David D. Porter, to command the 1862 New Orleans expedition. After Porter’s mortar fleet failed to subdue Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Farragut led his wooden vessels past the guns, hastening the capitulation of New Orleans (April 28) and closing the lower Mississippi. Throughout early 1863, Farragut was an unhappy partner in federal designs against Port Hudson. An attempt to run these guns on March 14 failed; for it he employed the somewhat novel tactic of lashing smaller gunboats to the unengaged side of his saltwater warships to power them through. When the fort surrendered (July 9), Farragut targeted Mobile. His fleet fought its way into Mobile Bay on August 5, 1864, in what he described as “one of the fiercest naval contests on record.” Farragut, directing operations from his flagship’s maintop platform, ordered his vessel into an area of the bay he knew to be seeded with underwater explosives (usually encased in wood or tin, they are today referred to as mines, but were then called torpedoes). The command Farragut gave on that day has entered legend as “Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead!” His victory contributed greatly to Abraham Lincoln’s reelection. Farragut was the first to hold the U.S. ranks of rear admiral, vice admiral, and admiral.
Noah Andre Trudeau
Copyright Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved.
Honor America’s Heroes Memorial Day 2004
We may mock the son of mega post with the skinny arms and the missing teeth and the snotty nose, but we have one thing to thank the little Mega Sprog for . . .
No more CARS entries means no scrolling off the bottom of the page into the great expanse of nothingness that is “The Archive”(TM)
Off to register savethemegapost.com
Megaposter beat me to it. I woke up in the middle of the night and it came to me – we have until June 8 before the listing scrolls again.
So the question each of us has to ask ourselves is:
Are you a Megaposter or a Sonuvamegaposter?
isn’t it John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt? Who are you really? And why do you get a damn theme song? I thought that was reserved for Darth Vader and that ilk…
First post!
Mega post!
we’ve covered the ground regarding my name in other posts. My grandfatehr anglicized it when he emigrated from Germany.
As to why I get my own theme song – it’s not just me, there are a whole slew of John Jacob Jingleheimer Smiths/Schmidts.
In fact, whenever we go out, the people always shout …
“In fact, whenever we go out, the people always shout …”
First Post!
Um, 398? What’s so special about 398?
I mean, I read the whole post and it just doesn’t make any sense!
(To me, anyway.)
Oh. I get it. 400 is the magic number of the day.
Nothing I could post could be as witty as the News. I love Reuters…
Man Commits Suicide After Sex with Hen
Fri May 28, 2004 10:50 AM ET
LUSAKA (Reuters) – A 50-year-old Zambian man has hanged himself after his wife found him having sex with a hen, police said Friday.
The woman caught him in the act when she rushed into their house to investigate a noise.
“He attempted to kill her but she managed to escape,” a police spokesman said.
The man from the town of Chongwe, about 50 km (30 miles) east of Lusaka, killed himself after being admonished by other villagers.
The hen was slaughtered after the incident.
I feel sorry for the hen.
(Is it getting warm in here? Did someone forget to turn on the A/C this spring?)
I like it here. It’s better… than… that other largish post thing (which clearly doesn’t have anywhere near the size of debt consolidation as this one).
Though someone should fix the thermostat.
Actually, the MegaPost won’t go anywhere until June 10th because the full text of the Sunuvamegapost article will be posted until it turns into a headline. And even then, we can click on the Sunuvamegapost article when it is headline for another, what, 15? postings or something like that.
So even harder than getting a first post will be getting the last post on the MegaPost before it slips away to that great Post archive in the sky.
Or something like that.
(“Buttwrench.” I made that one up.)
OK folks, since the 10.3.4 update Happy Chocolate Fun Time “screenshot” looked like 256 color crap, I made my own using the same text – check it out at:
Or just click my name.
no, no, NO, NO
that’s not how this is supposed to work
I like MegaPost much better than Son of MegaPost. I’d much rather read pages of Cai and AntiCia rants than whatever sports drivel they are posting in Son of MegaPost. Geez I fell asleap 3 times trying to get through the damn Son of MegaPost.
Not a safe thing to do.
Not with those naked cheeze covered lesbian midgets still running around here. You just can’t trust ’em.
Come on posts 420! Almost there!
…Oh and the naked cheeze covered lesbian midgets can come on too… I guess. If they stop running around.
Pics plz.
Maybe those midgets were covered in Vaseline and not cheeze whiz. Did anyone taste it?
BINGHAMTON, New York — Talk about a slippery suspect.
A man is accused of applying Vaseline petroleum jelly to every surface in his room at a Motel Six near Binghamton, New York.
After Roger Chamberlain checked out last week, the cleaning crew discovered mattresses and bedding were slathered with the slippery stuff. Vaseline covered the TV set, furniture, carpeting and towels — and everything else in the room.
Police found 14 empty Vaseline containers and numerous pornographic magazines in the room’s trash can.
Damage to the motel room and its contents was estimated at over $1,000.
A sheriff’s deputy found the Virginia man a short time later at another motel. The deputy said the man was “smeared from head to foot with Vaseline.”
Chamberlain was sent to jail after being charged with felony criminal mischief.
The motel manager says the room still can’t be used.
MegaPoster Forever,
Here’s a month old flat Sierra Mist. ( I bought dozens of those bottles. The local supermarker had them on sale all March and April at $.79. Since it was easy to see the iTunes message I brought waaaaay more Sierra Mist thatn I can ever drink.) Quench your thrist and catch your breath.
Even if Cai has been missing, I chose to assume he is some poor student lost in the morasss of finals, or even, heaven forbid, a graduate shocked into insensibility @ the prospect of having to get a JOB!
Meanwhile the level of witty and interesting posts here is way higher than in that other post. I can’t pay attention long enough to figure out what sporting event they are refering to. (And if any one here explains it I’m leaving!!!)
Well it’s certainly not naked lesbien cheeze midget curling, I can assure you of that…
And were you suggesting covering your walls and TV sets with Sierra Mist? Because I think fizzy walls would be really cool. Right now they’re just kind of… hard. Though I personally prefer Dr. Pepper. I’d be in heaven if I could get free iTMS songs with that.
Does heaven have fizzy walls?
Oh God! How could I spell “lesbian” wrong?! Kill me now!!!
I noticed that there are two different types of sport posting going on over there. One is the serious type, which is all too useless, and the other is the not-so-serious type, which Philo Farnsworth posted the first of. Those are really, really well-written, fun to read, but damned near impossible to sort out of the other crap.
Please do not cover my dangling participle with Vaseline or Cheez Whiz.
Thank you fer yer support.