But we’ll leave this thread open for you to talk amongst yourselves. Please take this as an opportunity to bond with your fellow Mac users.
Jeez, this place is going to be on fire when we come back, isn’t it.
1,060 thoughts on “We’re off next week”
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Everyone calm down…I’m back!
It’s been a week and damn….my baby girl of a post still lives….
awwww! *hugs the megapost*
Hi, Cai!
Hey, that rhymes!
I’m a poet and didn’t….
Now, what rhymes with “poet?”
“Go it?”
“Row it?”
Nope. This doesn’t work.
Who the #@%! is Cai?
Lesbien…. Hmm that might work doesn’t that mean “the good”? I would think most of the people in the MegaPost would agree that Lesbian and “the good” would be interchangable.
Moltz–can you use any of that scripty goodness (to clone a term from AtAT) and disallow posts with URLs in them? I noticed that you have E-mail address checking going on.
And just how the hell does someone get “I-DISH-NETWORK” DOT ORG?! Oh, that’s right. DISH is losing money, aren’t they? That makes ’em non-profit, I s’pose.
Or maybe they aren’t losing money.
Oh, shin-iron OF DOOM!
Hell let them post. I just add their names to the “list of products or services I will never buy or use”. I started it when I figured the only way to punish companies for annoying ads was to never buy their products. I’ve never even been in an Old Navy because their ads several years ago were so bad I put them on my banned forever list.
Hmm i think I’m starting to use way to many quotes. Would that be quotey goodness? AtAT rocks.
You guys have ATAT’s damn….I love those four legged beasts!
Where can I get one!
oh…and Hi my name is Cai….
I’m about six foot high,
I do like the pie,
and to fly in the sky,
and sometimes I wonder why,
or just lie,
and maybe even sigh,
but I dont even try,
I just manage to get by,
Check eBay for the latest in AtATy goodness.
Hmm weekend almost here.
Must make it to this evening.
Can’t stay awake. Stupid son of mega-post. Sports bores me to sleep…….ZZZZ…..ZZZZZZ…ZZZZ
*sound of head hitting the keyboard*
Just think – if you lived here you would be home by now.
Hmm thats a good idea. I’m going to move into the Mega-Post. I can put my bed over there. I can redecorate a little.
I think I’ll repaint. I’m a little tired of wintel beige.
I think that should work, we can have sleepovers and I’ll bring stuff to make smores.
OH BOY! This will be fun.
If anyone is planning on staying at the MegaPost they will have to frisked at the door.
We don’t want the MegaPost covered in vaseline . . . . . or do we???
Vaseline is OK, but porn is not.
(Whaddaya think this is, some kind of low-brow establishment that lets porn in?!)
No problem no porn, but I’ve got pleanty of cheez whiz and vaseline. Who has the midgets?
*raises hand*
I have the midgets….
who has the lesbians?
Can I throw my duvet and sleeping mat in the corner?
I’m moving into the Mega Post too, the Son of Mega post…well….just isnt the same….
and cheez whizz
and midgets
and vaseline
and lesbians
Their is plenty of room in the Mega-Post. Even if we had full size lesbians and not just midgets. I just click that little green plus in the upper left hand corner and *boom* ton’s of room.
I think Bill should bring the Lesbian Midget Sexbots… Does anyone know if they are compatible with vaseline and cheez whiz? Do we need a firmware upgrade for that?
Right. Pr0n is clearly superfluous. Bring on the deviance!
(It’s a wonder this place didn’t crash-land in the gutter long ago.)
Hey, I thought I parallel parked this place in the sewer single handedly aboout twenty posts in or something!
oh well……brace for impact…..the lesbian midgets are here and armed with cheese……..woooooooo!
Now all we need is crackers and we’re off!
Moltz doesnt know what he’s missing……
I guess Howard does…..
Hey! Nice suggestion, credit card debt. I never thought of, say, http://www.cuntbuffer.com of DOOM! Wow, that’s much funnier!
Oh, Huck, that was just too much. You went over the line there, buddy.
I mean, acknowledging a spambot–that’s really too much.
Tone it down in the future and avoid all references to spambots, please.
I love the Mega Post too.
I slept really well here. I mean it’s a little noisy but you get used to it. Luckily I stole one of the new super secret iPods with the folding color screens and 120GB hard drive and fold out keyboard so I was able to entertain myself untill I fell asleap. It was in Howards cubical.
I think he’s been holding out on us. You just can’t trust that breed.
OK, that’s it! I’ve HAD it with this person named “click here!”
Look, click here, your posts are OFF TOPIC and REPETITIVE!
(And thank God for the spell checker built into Safari–indeed, all Cocoa applications–or I would have, embarrassingly enough, misspelled “repetitive” and “embarrassingly!”)
So, shove off, you! And leave our MegaPost alone!
Hear! Hear!
On a side note….is that new iPod of yours Cheese storage based???
I heard it was compatible with GameBoy Advance games and if you held it up to the sun at a certain time would tell you your future…..
It does seem to have some compatibility with cheese though only provolone right now. I couldn’t get the GameBoy Advance games to work, but my old Atari games are working great.I played pitfall all night.
As to telling the future the only thing it forcasted was a Apple Airtunes of DOOM. I assume that is going to be the PC version of the product. I’ll keep checking though.
I see on the main page that we’re inching closer to our doom… er, of DOOM.
Where’s our knight in shining armor? Where’s our daring last-second rescue? Where’s our soup du jour? It’s been twenty minutes. It should have gotten here by now.
Save us! Please! There will be services rendered!
Note: Anyone who has ever touched a cricket bat need not apply.
soup du jour? I had that in a restaurant once. Liked it so much I went back the next day for some more and darned if they hadn’t changed it.
and I fear it is almost time to bid farwell to the Megapost. We could have gotten to 500. We still might but I fear the Mergapost just doesn’t have it in her (him?).
I think the lesbian midgets are using the suit or armour right now….
dont ask what they’re using it for…….but it’ll be smelling of cheez whizz for a long time to come….
it’s not cheez whizz?
*scratches head*
I reapeat my plea for someone to go to http://www.orbitersim.com and show him how to port it to mac. Puh-leeeeze?
You know, being saved by a knight in sticky armor just isn’t the same…
For one, it’s significantly stickier.
being saved by a knight in sticky cheesy armour isnt good….unles you like cheese…..and the occasional lesbian midget!
It’ aways comes back to the lesbian midgets doesnt it…..??
You could use the cheesy armor like a thumbdrive. Scrap the cheese off, put it in the new ipod, get your data off, and then have the fun or rubbing it back into the armor.
Your data is everywhere you’d wanna go and you don’t have to worry about anyone eating it. I mean ICK who would eat that cheese whiz stuff.
*We still might reach 500*
I believe the time has come to bend the rules a little, the only way we are going to reach 500 is if we use some slightly unorthodox methods.
It’s not cheating! no! never! it’s more . . . . . like . . . . um . . . . . FUCK, perhaps it is cheating but history will forgive us, “they did what they had to do”, they’ll say.
so here goes . . . .
458 . . . .
. . . 459 . . .
. . . 460 . . .
. . . Lesbian Midget . . .
. . . 462 . . .
Hey, the 500 marker is well within reach…without bending the rules as it were…….
What WOULD Mr.Moltzy think of us….the Mega Posters who cheat……thats for Son of Mega Posters I think!!!
We’re all gonna DIE!!!
Post 987
I like the new math. It’s all so simple. 1 + 1 + 1 = 87
Well, so long folks. It’s been nice knowin’ y’all, but as they say, all good things come to an end. Good bye Mega-Post. Good bye and thank you for everything.
I could never bring myself to say it before, but I’m going to say it now — I must say it now. There isn’t much time left and… you deserve more than a silent farewell.
I…*choke*… I… love… you.
Maybe we can have a MegaPost reuinion party sometime, and not in some lame Son-of-MegaPost way. I mean, like, well, er, and all that.
Sorry. Brain on hold.
(Nice hold music. Bit like those, what was it? Montavani Strings or something? Did I even spell that right?)
I refuse to move out! I mean I just got all my furniture situated.
The midgets and the sexbots are finally playing nice and I just got the cheese smell out of the knights armor. NO way am I moving out.
This is going to be a slow crawl to 500….
(Anybody got kneepads?)
Say it ain’t the last post!
I cant move out of the mega post….I mean, I left my old place for the mega post!
Mr.Moltzy and the crew cant kick us out……
cant we have a Mega Post option right below Advertise on the side options…..
maybe if we all say please nicely??
Pleeeeeeaaaaseeeeeeee Mr Moltzy…..dont kick us out!
We love our Mega Post!!!
*hugs the mega post*
Now _that’s_ the kind of warm fuzzy feeling the MegaPost needs right now.
Way to go, Cai!
(Of course, a few more useless postings would be nice, too.)
You asked for a useless posting? Okay, but it’s gonna cost you a sexbot or two…