No story tonight as after a long, warm summer in Tacoma it’s time to clean the Crazy Apple Rumors Site barbecue grill and get it ready for winter. But here’s a list of stories we’re not working on. So don’t look forward to these stories in the future.
Because we’re not working on them.
- Phil Schiller Drops a Grand on Hockey Pucks.
- Apple Opening Retail Store in Menasha Wisconsin in The Middle of a Row of Derelict Store Fronts.
- George Ou Cuts Himself Shaving, Blames Apple.
- iTV Motherboard Based On Something Vaguely Familiar But I Can’t Quite Place It… Is It Max Ehrmann’s “The Desiderata of Happiness”? No! It’s Langston Hughes’ Poem “Mother to Son”!
- Brown Zune Kinda Smells Funny.
- Jobs Fires Cat.
They just didn’t seem worth it.