The Mega-Post is Dead


You should be able to view it again, but Masako had to shut off the comments at…


She had to delete one spam comment to get it viewable again (link).

Please, let’s hear a big round of applause for all of you who posted in the Mega-Post and kept it alive for a year and four months. Please use this comment thread to post your fondest memories of the post with the most…

the Mega-Post.

8,664 thoughts on “The Mega-Post is Dead”

  1. By “John,” I presume John Moltz is indicated. Never met the guy. How I ever happened upon the Crazy Apple Rumo(u)rs Site is a mystery to me. It’s likely that some other site related to Apple news, views, or spews had a reference to CARS, and once I visited it, I had to keep checking back to see if it was just a hallucination borne of food poisoning. Once I read the splendid, erudite, and informative comments by you and your compatriots, I had to return again and again to gather material for my thesis in anthropological studies. My book on the subject will be published sometime after I find my lab notes. And an editor. And a publisher. And a winning lottery ticket.

  2. Ace, Please do not publish. Remember no, you are far too young, how following the publication of Freud’s notebook attempts were made to identify the patients? A well documented Dartmoor escape is best left forgotten. Damn blown my own cover and now liable to blackmail. At least “The Mega-Posr is Dead” is consistent.

    1. As you have been “keeping a low profile,” you needn’t worry. Your secret is safe with us in the relative obscurity of the Giga-Post.

  3. Not for nothing (OK, well, probably for nothing, but I’ll let you decide on that), but this post is approaching its 17th birthday. I hope it’s not expecting us to buy it a car.

  4. I’m willing to chuck in a quid for a dinky or similar model car…………………Sorry a hot sweat flooded my glasses and Chromebook keyboard, it works better now, at my ill considered generousity.

  5. 17 years. If it were a dog, its best years would be far behind it. Maybe it is a dog, as it seems to be barely hanging on.

  6. Thank you for the reminder. I will endeavor to talk that way when the time comes, as well as “walk the talk” by swaggering.

  7. Yes, sorrow for the loss all around. Elizabeth became Queen a couple of weeks before I was born, and it wouldn’t have surprised many people if she had outlived me. What is to become of the Corgis?

  8. More to the point, what’s to become of ITLAP day? The 19th?!! Not sure that will be appropriate in Westminster Abbey and beyond.

    At least we’re being more British about this than the ridiculous hysterical mewling that attended the demise of Lady Di. I just hid in a bunker for about three weeks quoting Churchill till it all blew over.

  9. It’s top of the national news here every night. Apparently they got it right in the Hamilton musical: “You’ll be back!”

  10. I find that hard to believe, Ace. I presume we’re all pretty much meandering around here at Peak Fuddled. How else can you explain the preceding . . . oh god . . . is it up to 15 years yet?

  11. BroMu,
    If you are referring to the age of this post, it’s now 17 years, 1 month, and 8 days old.
    We’ve probably always been fuddled.

  12. . . .

    Thanks for that, Steve.

    Now I feel *very* fuddled.

    I’ve known you all longer than my children.

    And to be honest, you’re better company.

  13. For anyone perplexed about what gift to get for me this year, might I suggest an iPad Pro, or perhaps a Hasselblad X2D?

  14. Alas, I’ve already ordered you ‘The Sweet Wine of My Company’, Ace.

    Surely the greatest gift of all?

    It’s a Festivus Miracle!

  15. And a Happy New Year to you all also. Sorry to be a tad late. I would say I was full-on Brit hungover but I’m the boozy exception. In fact, I’ve been busy working my way through all the kids’ Christmas chocolates so as to save them from diabetes. Best Dad award pretty much in the bag now, I feel.

    Here’s to a less doom-scrolly 2023 than 2022. Or 2021. Or 2020.


  16. I wonder what it’s like to have a functioning government?

    I’d ask the Cousins, but they’re preoccupied with their own problems. And I heard something about some book coming out soon on that side of the Pond that some folks aren’t too happy with.

    Welcome to 2023!

  17. 8589th!

    Nothing substantive. Though not much is. Just expressing substancelessness with fewer words.

  18. Not substantive? My spidey sense tells me that you are on to something big with your post. A web search yields this gem as a top hit:

    Troubleshooting AD Replication Error 8589 The DS Cannot Derive A Service Principal Name (SPN)
    This article describes symptoms, cause and resolution steps for cases where Active Directory operations fail with Win32 error 8589.

    This article is part of a series on troubleshootiung Active Directory replication error, and is also one of the errors reported by the Active Directory Replication Status Tool Jump (ADREPLSTATUS). If you encounter a new symptom, cause, or resolution for this error, we encourage you to add information about your experience in appropriate section…

  19. Should I be worried that you’ve essentially posted the contents of my wife’s Valentine’s to me this year, Ace?

    1. She is apparently cribbing things from the same sources, or maybe using ChatGPT. All enterprising slacker/go-getters seem to be heading that way.

  20. A couple of lads at my son’s school got pinged the other day for using it for their homework. Apparently it just made up some quotes that could easily be checked. Skynet needs a bit of buffing, I feel, before The Singularity.

  21. At work (a law firm), we were instructed to not use it at all. Various confidentiality and ethical issues.

    Trying to keep the noses, etc. clean. At least as much as one can whilst being a lawyer.

    If one of us can access it, we should see if we can get it to write some comments for here. Or perhaps a post! (I wonder if it would claim “first” on the post it wrote.)

  22. Do you think mentioning ChatGPT has attracted the attention of our AI Overlords? From Spain?

  23. I would not have guessed that our AI Overlords were from Spain. But no one expects the Spanish AI Overlords!

    (I’ll show myself out…)

  24. Speaking of such, a prominent chess-oriented YouTuber decided to pit ChatGPT against Google’s Bard in a chess game recently. The hilarious result exemplifies the full range of genius and stupidity (and disregard for the rule of law) that humans have shown throughout history.

  25. The Giga-Post is languishing. It needs fun, intellection, and nourishment — like Mars needs women.

  26. I guess the pace around here has slowed to barely a crawl. I was on holiday in one of the territories and thought something might have occurred whilst I was away, just for occurrence’s sake. (Though I’ve never tried Occurrence’s Sake, and not sure it exists.)

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