We're up!

Looks like we’re back!

We’re still bringing the old posts over, but take a look around. Kick the tires.

I believe you have to have one approved comment before you can post at will, but we’ll work our way through that as soon as possible.

UPDATE: The old posts are all over and we’ve changed the yellow background on the sidebars. Theme switcher is in the works, but it’ll be a few days a least.

108 thoughts on “We're up!”

  1. The yellow in the background of the sidebars looks awful with the overall background. Change it, quick, before my eyes collapse!

  2. Nice work. I do not miss the SQL errors, no sir, I do not.

    I feel sort of ‘squeezed’ between the 2 columns.
    Winky needs lots of open space to roam.
    And poor Mr. CARS logo is all smushed on top.

  3. 3rd. Love what you’ve done with the place. That Bob Vila guy is really great with renovations.


    …or do we need to credit Masako for this…

    and if THAT is “up” , then, well, they have pills for that ya know…


  5. Now that I’m done insulting your fine establishment, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring over the mega and giga posts, minus the spam…

    “we’re not worthy, we’re not worthy”

  6. Ha-ha! Holy crap! Has anyone else tried looking at this in IE 6 on Windows! Ha-ha!

    Stupid IE!

    I’m tempted to leave it like this.

  7. Where’s my Giga-Post? We still havn’t broken Nxxx out of prison. He could be stuck there all weekend if we have no place to plot and plan.

  8. The “Movies” channel in Apple’s Sherlock application has been down all day, displaying the message “This channel is temporarily unavailable. Check back soon.” Could this indicate an impending update, such as the launch of the 6th generation Video iPod, mentioned recently on several Mac rumor sites and in a recent press release from online movie site 4Flix.Net?


    Stay Tuned!

  9. Mr. Moltz, Sir,
    Benevolent felicitations on a well planned, efficiently performed and secret manoeuvre.
    Keep up the new high standard or be certain Sir, that I shall have you taken outside and shot.
    Disgusted Col Retd

  10. John,
    Brilliant job on Mega Post. Even transferred the spammers. Hope you told them or they will feel deprived, and you could be up for kidnapping.

  11. WOW! IE for Windows does do a number on the new CARS (I couldn’t help it-kind of like looking at a car wreck). That is wild.

  12. I bring you, the German translation of the Gilligan’s Island Theme Song adapted for the newly revamped CARS:

    Sit back and you simply to the right hear a history, a history of one fateful Apple rumor site, which began from this tropical channel on board this shaky implementation of SQL. The assistant was powerful web designer named Masako and a man; the skipping device courageously and surely named Johhny “5” Moltz. Five other staff members placed sails this day for an three-hour route — an three-hour route. The SQL DB receiving begun roughly. The small site tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless staff, which was lost CARS. The CARS was lost. The CARS, which is on the bank of this aground, uncharted wasteland island with Entity, the skipping device (John), also, the Thor Samson and Ugluk. Masako (she’s the bees knees), the Chet MacGruder and Howard, the Talking Dog are here on island CARS.

  13. Doh!

    How come when I hit the back button, I get a SQL error?

    Keep feeding Masako lots of chocolate.
    Give her backrubs and foot rubs.

    There’s still more work to be done.

  14. I can’t get used to the names being above the comments.

    Sorry, but I really like the look of the old CARS better.
    Perhaps I’d just become used to it, and am resisting change.

  15. Yeah, iBode. If you think it’s bad, you should try it in IE on Windows.


    No, seriously, quitcher bitchin. Had to be done.

    But Masako’s going to install the theme switcher when she gets a chance. I doubt any of them will be exactly like the old version, but you’ll have some choices.

    Like puce.  Do you like puce?

  16. Thanks for notifying us of the feed URL change in the first post NOT in the old feed. I didn’t know you had posted anything until someone else asked me how I liked the new look.

    Yeah, I actually know another person who reads CARS on a regular basis. Weird, huh? Fortunately, he’s not smart enough to use RSS.

  17. I got the notice in the old RSS feed. maybe you and your friend have more in common.

    2 columns please, sir. this is too cluttered.

  18. The numbers mean I don’t have to count to 42 to claim 42nd. Don’t much like the color scheme on the sides. To stupid to use RSS so no issue there. like the comment display format.

  19. Guess i am an infidel, what or you is DNA. The only 42 reference I know is in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe

  20. Hey, you fellows wouldn’t happen to know where a guy could get some cheap vgra or c14lis?

    Oh, just Mac Rumors…

    Crazy ones?

    Right, right.

    Well, I guess I’ll try back later then.

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