Crazy Apple Rumors Site’s free crap giveaway starts tomorrow! Send an email to with “Crap” in the subject line and you’ll be entered for our sudden death elimination drawing showdown! If you’ve already emailed us, please don’t email us again – you’re set.
Each day next week, one lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive some crap!
In preparation, we’ve updated the list of crap available from the Crazy Apple Rumors Store. These make great stocking stuffers, for those of you unable to stuff your own stockings, if you know what I mean.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It can happen to anyone.
First!!! Go Cowards!
Oh, my! I’d like to thank Mr. Moltz for the unusual Sunday Post. Apple for the RSS feed on Safari. My wife for shopping and allowing me time to check my email. The baby for sleeping (I might wake him up for this!) And finally, the internet for running out of porn. What a great day for me.
I beat the Pants®©℗™! Take that |bitches and your toothbrush. Gimme my free crap.
You still haven’t sent it my way???
Can this be because I was one of the first to send an e-mail and didn’t enter crap in the subject line? Is this the reason? IS IT?
Because if this is the case, I WILL send you a second e-mail!
And maybe even a third… just in case.
crappity crap crap crap. I sent a message but I think I forgot to put “crap” in the title. Oh well
nameless norman wonders, is that literal crap, or just shoddy products?
Second Top Ten in Two Days !
Look at me !!
I’m smart !
I’m a nice guy !
I promise I won’t eat babies anymore !
Crappy ponies…
Yeah, now I’m confused, because when you first announceded this, you di.dn’t say anything about a “crap” subject, so I sent something with another subject that wasn’t “crap”. Now you’re saying I f I e-mailed before I needn’t worry, but do you mean if I sent an e-mail with “crap”, I’m okay, or it doesn’t matter what it was before you said to say “crap”?
I’d hate to miss out on my crap because I said “did I win?”, but I also don’t want to disqualify myself and my family by being entered twice.
Please explain.
how much you want to bet he gives away a butt load of Ubuntu CDs!
Is there, by chance, a used toothbruch amongst the Crapâ„¢?
I don’t need any more Crapâ„¢, but was just wondering.
That should have been “toothbrush.” I can’t spell on Sundays.
Oh, jeez, you people!
ANY email you sent me is OK. I read all your emails.
Let that sink in.
I read ALL your emails.
And some of you people disgust me.
Come on Moltz, it was you who started the whole crap story.
We just don’t want to be left behind!
So then you read my e-mail, didja? I think that’s what you’re saying…
Yeah, I’m gonna just go with that.
Now, about this “sudden death” thing: that’s a figure of speech, right?
I have waited until Monday in Europe to remind you that posting on a Sunday is wrong. There is a place being prepared for all you sinners in Hell. Rows of Windozes PCs, as far as the eye can see, and the place heated by burning laptop batteries.
Now can I have my free sexbot.
Q. Hello Moltz, did you get my email about winning the crap?
A. Yep, I got your email, I already told you I read ALL your emails!
Q. But how would I know that for sure, as you never reply to my emails?
A. I told you, I read ALL YOUR EMAILS!!
Q. All of them?
Q. What about the one I sent to Uncle Bob on Friday?
A. No, only the ones you sent to ME!
Q. Ok
A. Ok now?!
Q. Should I send you another just in case you didn’t get my other one?
A. WHAT!!!
Q. Well, you never actually replied, so I have no real way of knowing you really got it and I really want some more crap.
A. ….
Q. Hello???
A. ….
It may be fine for the Pope or the Queen but John’s a very busy man, he doesn’t have time to answer all your emails.
If he were to reply to the 10,000 – 20,000 emails he gets a day, running CARS would be left to Chet or Howard or someone.
Nobody want’s that.
Pssssst! UBUNTU
Can I have dibs on the “Carter for President” bumper sticker. If not, the Huckleberry Hound plasticware will be fine. I’ll take a pass on the “A” Team lunch box and the G.I. Joe camouflage uniform.
If you have a Barney Schultz rookie card, though….
Thank you.
What is the email address for ordering no crap whatsoever? Because that is what I want.
Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Shit Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune Zune
Rip Ragged don’t think that that shit amongst the other shit will pass unnoticed!
And it had to be crap if you wanted to get something from the giveaway using unfair methods.
Rip, the quality of your porn seems to be declining.
Shh don’t wake rip he’s sleeping, and boy can he snore.
I thought this was a family subversive, vulgar, base, and thoroughly disgusting rumor site.
One doesn’t expect to see people rubbing their ballmers, and their exposed Zunes speculating ubuntu all over the Vista at a family site.
Oh, geez. Somebody hand me a paper towel.
nameless norman, it had better be literal crap, because who in their right mind would actually WANT just shoddy products?
Soooooo, when does the CARS podcast start? This reading stuff is so last week.
mash mash holly crap !
“WAIT!” –The Lisa
will you be shipping to the Amazon or Easter Island?
If I win I promise to provide Zune-Porn in the CARS comments. I’m even willing to take user suggestions (though I’m not promising to use all of them, Yes I am looking at you Huh?).
In this crap contest I’m willing to play dirty to win 🙂
If Del wins by being underhanded, I’m going to steal her Zune porn and reprint it under a really stupid pseudonym. You may not believe it, but don’t underestimate me, I know how to invent stupid pseudonyms.
Were you gonna eat all those fries?