Apple Drops Pudding Rights Management.

In a sure sign that CEO Steve Jobs was serious in his challenge to the recording industry to drop digital right management (DRM) from digitally delivered music, Apple today dropped pudding rights management (PRM) from its iPudd Store.

While it is not generally known to many Mac users, Apple owns the distribution of pudding to your local grocer through its patented “pudding over IP” technology.

In in late 2005, in a rare move in the vertical market space and after some false starts, Apple created a codec that enables pudding to be compressed into a digital format for transmission over the Internet to a designated purchaser, revolutionizing the pudding industry.

“The pudding industry had long dreamed of transmission of pudding over the Internet,” said the Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg. “The problem always came down to how to properly protect pudding assets. You don’t want pudding that’s supposed to go to a Safeway in Seattle spraying out of some kid’s speakers in Larchmont, NY.”

But starting today, with the consent of pudding manufacturers, downloads from Apple’s iPudd Store will be PRM-free, despite some concerns.

While this may seem to only affect the market for creamy deliciousness, analysts believe it is yet another shot across the bow of the recording industry.

“If Apple is willing to free pudding, it must also be willing to free music,” said Jupiter Research’s David Card.


“Did I really say that out loud?”

Pudding futures were down in late trading today on the Chicago commodities exchange.

36 thoughts on “Apple Drops Pudding Rights Management.”

  1. Puddings come in two forms, main dish and sweet. Which one has Apple covered?

    Herewith claim all remaining ‘Sweets’ rights including cheese and biscuits.

  2. They say pudding wants to be free. But if that is true, why so often does pudding cling to me? I mean, what does pudding really want?

  3. I always found it hard to tell Spamâ„¢ from pudding.


    That would probably explan a few things.

  4. In the previous pudding post I said..

    “I long for a World where chocolate Instant Whip is carried wireless through the ether instead of the unpalatable IP packets we’re made to suffer today.” I’m going to stick with that this time around. My feelings today have changed little, except maybe I’m a little more fervent on the subject.

    I cried when I saw the posts from Bellidancer and macstansbury. We all thought macstans was crazy when he said Jobs was stalking him. We laughed – we could’ve listened and helped the guy. You should all be ashamed.

  5. I can see Steve Jobs surrounded by RIAA people in a kilt saying “FREEDOM!” Just before they draw and quarter him and then bury him in chocolate pudding.

    mmmmmm chocolate pudding…

  6. I really like Ponyâ„¢ Pudding, except it only comes in carrot and apple. I’ve heard they will be coming out with beer pudding sometime in the next quarter because the only thing ponies like better than carrots and apples is beer.

  7. Wait a sec… There’s no such thing as iPudd! This sounds completely made up! You’ve pulled the pudding over all our eyes!

  8. If Apple is willing to free pudding, it must also…


    Hah – there’s no such thing as a free pudding! Um… At least, I think that’s what I heard. I know that I always have to pay for my pudding. I’m not proud – I can admit it. 😯


    Anyway. What were you saying before I butted in? I’m sorry, but I wasn’t listening.


  9. Spam pudding? Even I couldn’t like that!

    Now here’s something nobody seems to have thought of…

    …ip pudding.

    Now that’s just not right. Wouldn’t that be a bit painful if it was tapioca?

  10. That’s exactly why I don’t read any other comedy sites. It stifles my creativity.

    Seriously. For example, when I first started this site I realized I had to stop reading AtAT because I could never tell if Jack’s posts were infecting mine or not.

    Finally, I just decided to have Jack killed. It was a lot easier.

  11. Deciding to have Jack killed isn’t the same as actually having him killed. Time to ‘fess up. Did you have him killed, and who did the deed?

    Please speak into the ham sandwich.

  12. Where the hell did Jack go? Does anyone know Jack? Err…. never mind.

    In other news, Yoplait has filed a suit against Apple, fearing that their Chocolate Whip Yogurt products would be pirated along with the PRM free pudding. Mott’s has also filed a lawsuit that alleges Apple’s removal of PRM is causing consumer confusion and diluting Mott’s trademarks. A Mott’s spokesman said that they are worried about Apple moving into free market snack space, and that consumers would have a hard time telling the difference between Apple’s pudding and Mott’s apple sauce, since they both have the word “apple” in the name.

    Now personally, there is nothing I like better than a baked apple pudding with SPAM sauce…. mmmmmmmmm

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