
It’s President’s Day, so no post. Please use the comments to discuss your deepest, darkest fears.

I’ll get the ball rolling:

Clowns who are also mimes.

94 thoughts on “Holiday”

  1. Umm…’kay, now I don’t know whether I should be relieved that my greatest fear hasn’t been realized, or that I should be horrified that someone did notice my horrific embarrassment and banning….

    Is there any vodka and cheez left?

  2. I’m afraid of waking up and finding out that I’m in some sort of reverse universe, and I, along with most of the world, use lame Macs POSes, and cool people use nice sleek Dells.


  3. Making my first first post and being overly proud confirming that I have forever joined the ranks of geekdom.

    Oh and leaving the safety and anonymity of the internet for the harsh realties of life.

  4. Since we’re discussing spider fears, about four years ago I was bit on the eyeball by a spider in the middle of the night. Absolutely true story. I woke up and my eye itched like crazy. I went into the bathroom to look at it and the white part of my eyeball was bulging out around the cornea – I was afraid it was going to pop. I had no idea what was going on until I found the dead spider in the bed the next morning.

    Strangely, that was what inspired me to start my vision quest that ended at the Waffle House in Lancaster, PA, where I met the Entity.

    But Ed knows that whole story…

    Oh, and for those who are interested, I don’t read the Straight Dope message board and I have no idea what “Mime Chuck” is.

    Maybe Chet does.

  5. see? again trying to make it look like McGuder’s still alive.

    we’re wise to you, Moltz!

    oh, and for my entry on most scariest thing: Star Wars Episode 7

  6. You know what? Moltz, you have got me thinking about my existence here. Well, sort of, mostly just about what I am scared of in my existence here actually, but that is close anyway. Anyway, while digging deep into my brain (I NEVER want to go down there again) I found the one basic type of thing that I am truly afraid of.

    I, guy that took the pictures of his sister OFF of his website, am afraid of…

    Reaching a moment in time where I will need to be afraid of something because it is a threat to the safety of my family, beliefs or self.

    That is not cool people, not cool. Which leads me to wonder why I post here so often. I mean really, some of you people are pretty dang scary.

  7. My greatest fear is that they will discontinue the Newton. I sure hope THAT never happens.

  8. my greatest fear is anti-insect spray.

    oh what a horrible, horrible death.

    that and fly swats.

  9. I’m afraid of being called “pretty dang scary” by a person with the handle “Psyko”.

  10. It used to freak me out when I was a small fry shopping with mom and I’d see the packages labeled “Ground Chuck” in the butcher section.

    I had a friend named Chuck. I wonder what ever happened to him?

  11. I’m afraid of the day a CARS Comment box stays on topic for more than 1 post in a row. Man, just thinking about that gives me the shivers. Brrrrrr

  12. There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary, and those that don’t.

  13. Oops, I just re-read my earlier posting and noticed that I have left out a very important word. Right after the word “ferrets” insert “, again” and it’ll make more sense. It seemed like such a good idea the first time.

  14. I fear nothing.



    Hey! where are my clothes?


    Cut it out, willya? My leather teddy’s starting to chafe….

  15. The only thing to fear is fear itself.

    If you approach danger boldly and with confidence you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the result. In fact you’ll find that nine times out of ten you’ll be seriously injured or even killed.

  16. Fear is for losers. You’re all a bunch of pansy ass babies. Stop this ridiculous fear posting and move on to the next story or I’ll drive a tank up your pansy asses!!!!!

  17. Suicidal taxi drivers.

    I mean, you get in those cabs, and you just never know if you’ve caught some depressed driver at the low point of his biorhythm cycle.

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