French Site Reports Tiger Booted on iPod nano

French web site Macbidouille reported today that German hackers have successfully booted Tiger on an iPod nano.

The site was immediately contacted by Apple Legal, which angrily demanded that the images be removed. However, the company indicated that it was not because of concerns over losing control of its ability to control its market.

“It’s not that it violates our business model,” said Tim Cook, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Operations. “It’s just stupid.

“I mean… the iPod’s just got that stupid little scroll wheel… you can’t type with it… Just pisses me off.”

If Cook was “pissed off” by Tiger running on an iPod nano, he was positively furious at reports filtering out of the UK that indicate hackers there have successfully booted Linux on an iPod shuffle.

“What?!” an agitated Cook said. “How… how can you even prove that?! It doesn’t have a screen! It’s got five buttons! FIVE!”

Yet hacker Sean Neaves was insistent that his iPod shuffle was actually running Linux.

“It’s running a special build I compiled and loaded onto the unit via USB,” Neaves said.

“Here, look,” Neaves said, clicking on the shuffle’s buttons. “I just loaded GIMP.

“Totally. I’m… I’m… editing an image here. Um… la-la-la… now I’ll just… crop and… run a filter… and… see? See? I just edited this image.”

“OK, look, I’ll do it again. But pay attention this time.”

73 thoughts on “French Site Reports Tiger Booted on iPod nano”

  1. Here’s my Caiku

    I will start digging

    to find all our lost posters

    I like to eat cheeze

    Did anyone remember to bring Bill out of the Mega-Post?

  2. Oooooh, Japanese. Me likes it.

    Watashino mewa aoidesu. ;D

    Of course nobody got Bill out. MASAKO CLOSED IT WITHOUT WARNING!


  3. Ok everyone we need to save Bill! Grab your shovels and start digging a hole to the Mega-Post. We need to save Bill!

    I brought plenty of shovels.

    *Del passes out shovels and begins digging towards the MP*

    Where coming Bill! Hold on there should be plenty of beer and cheez whiz to keep you alive until we get to you. Hold on man.

  4. As always, a damned funny piece. But I have to admit that the photo of the iPod Shuffle running Linux was 110% pure hilarious. The more I looked at that photo the more I laughed. It’s like the technological version of a Gary Larson “Far Side” cartoon.

  5. Doesn’t Macbidouille translate to something like “bathroom fixture to wash Macintosh patooties”?

    But then, pardon my French…

  6. Okay, Owen, Carl, or anyone else who can tell me – how the hell do you get Japanese kana to show up in the post? I’ve tried and it always shows up as garble. C’mon, spill!

  7. Del and “Mr. Tiny Fists”– thanks for the Legos. I’ve enough now to finish. In fact I might be able to make an abacus too.

    And by the way, I’m digging a hole to the Mega-Post using a clam gun. What, you don’t know what a clam gun is? Well, it’s a tube with one end open at the bottom and handles at the top and a little hole on the other end that you cover with your thumb to create a suction effect so that when you pull it back out of the ground, well… it’s hard to explain but much cooler than a shovel.

  8. Del and “Mr. Tiny Fists”– thanks for the Legos. I’ve enough now to finish. In fact I might be able to make an abacus too.

    And by the way, I’m digging a hole to the Mega-Post using a clam gun. What, you don’t know what a clam gun is? Well, it’s a tube with one end open at the bottom and handles at the top and a little hole on the other end that you cover with your thumb to create a suction effect so that when you pull it back out of the ground, well… it’s hard to explain but much cooler than a shovel.

  9. Ace Deuce,

    Thanks for the sticker, but when I cut it out of my Apple Cinema, the screen went dark. Trouble at your end, I suspect.

  10. 秘密のソースはGeckoです。つまり、FirefoxやCaminoなどを使います。なぜなら、Geckoが日本語の入力をHTML Entity(&#xxx;)に変えます。

    Also, I just realized that is a website dedicated to open sauce software. Mmmm, open sauce.

  11. §Ú·Q«ü¥X¥L­Ì¼gªº¬O¤é¤å¡A¤£¬O¤¤¤å¡A¼Ó¤W¦³¦ì¥S§Ì·d¿ù¤F¡C


  12. I installed OSX 11.tomato.3.1415926535897932384626433 832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 on my existential ennui. I cannot get dashboard to function before the nihilism module kicks in.

    And I just don’t care.

  13. I installed OSX 11.tomato.3.1415926535897932384626433 832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 on my existential ennui. I cannot get dashboard to function before the nihilism module kicks in.

    And I just don’t care.

  14. Or, if you prefer not to use Geckos (I don’t have the USB adapter for them yet) you can try javascript:var s = ”;var n=’カールさんの日本語がうまいですね。勉強になります。’;for(i=0;i<n.length;i++) { s += ‘&#’+n.charCodeAt(i)+’;’; } prompt(‘bananas’,s);return false; but all on one line or it doesn’t work.

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