It’s President’s Day, so no post. Please use the comments to discuss your deepest, darkest fears.
I’ll get the ball rolling:
Clowns who are also mimes.
It’s President’s Day, so no post. Please use the comments to discuss your deepest, darkest fears.
I’ll get the ball rolling:
Clowns who are also mimes.
Comments are closed.
saying I have the first post but getting beaten anyways
First post!
Now then, my deepest darkest fear: People discovering I AM a mime.
fifth post
spider nests under my pillow.
really happened once. came home from college and found a spyder nest with lots of live spiders under my pillow,after I had gone to sleep unfortuantly.. I now always pick-up my pillow before bed.
Good lord, John, you must read the Straight Dope Message Board like I do.
Clown Porn:
Premature eleventh post!
My fear is that someone will goof up and mix Coca Cola and Pepsi.
Pants and condensed milk.
Two words
Mime Chuck
CARS, once again derivative, not creative. When will they learn…
The Man.
I’m afraid of The Man because he gets today off where no one else does.
Damn The Man!
Weaponized Ebola Ziare… in my pants.
Steve Ballmer in a leather teddy and sporting a whip.
I have a fear of Grue. Anytime I walk into a dark place I pull out my penlight.
Is it getting dark in here? What was that over there… in that dark corner?
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it’s a Huck sized Grue!
*Del run’s screaming back to the bright safety of the Mega-Post*
Ventriloquist’s dummies.
The big-faced, rosy-cheeked smiley ones, obviously . . . you know, rather than Orville.
Oh, and having a flannel pulled out of my mouth across my teeth.
No, it *could* happen…
Microsoft and non-Apple computers.
Damn Redneck Republicans…. thats who
Bacon and Eggs.
Apple closing
The Invisible Evil Boy’s Choir showing up at my house late at night.
(Which also means that the evil red-eyed goat is also on the way.)
That, and sweaty naked Steve Ballmer.
Four more years of Dubya.
another ben and jen movie
The theater, low ceilings and the south.
Those parties where people give you a mixed punch drink and you have no idea what’s in it.
That evil goat that appeared once in Cupertino
John Kerry as president.
The “no post” posts are posted so much faster than the regular ones…
Crispin Glover.
My fear is that hockey is going to be gone forever…
What’s worse is that in the meantime I’ve gotten completely hooked on the AFL.
Not being able to come up with a witty and/or outrageously funny post for CARS.
And what does this all have to do with President’s Day? Was Moltz scared by a preswidnet when he was a child?
The first Mac virus that automatically installs Windows for PowerPC
Forever being unable to reveal my deapest darkest fear.
A sweaty Steve Ballmer in a leather teddy and sporting a whip.
In my pants.
And perhaps giving complete strangers WAY too much information about myself.
Oh, moo.
My deepest darkest fear is Microsoft will stage a hostle take over of Apple.
“Steve Ballmer in a leather teddy and sporting a whip.” I would credit the poster, but it was a anonymous poster.
Our deepest fear is that after the NHL owners complete their busting of the NHL Players’ Union they will turn their evil gaze upon us and destroy our precious little union.
That and having to service a fat sweaty executive from Redmond.
The poster was one ‘Mrs Ballmer’.
I fear that one day my store will be overrun by pony humping grues and kittens.
Here is another.
Being stuck 60 miles away from Microsoft (and yes, you know who that means too) all my life.
I fear everything and everyone.
I’m generally timid.
Here bunny bunny bunny. I need food and you have rabbit in your name.
Dogs. Angry dogs.
Jello. Especially green.
Also, Tinky Winky.
The death of Apple and the WRX STi.
Del, you just gave me a flashback to playing Zork on the CDC mainframe in highschool. My lamp is out of oil. Gah!
Which way to go? Northwest? North? so hard to visualize from straight text…They published another game called ‘Bureacracy” which was EXTREMELY funny, actually. No pictures necessary for that one…
Clowns who are presidents… OR… Presidents who SHOULD be mimes
One time, I woke up with a tiny spider in my ear. No joke. That was frightening.
Making my first ever post to CARS and embarrassing myself so hideously that I’m forever banned and otherwise blacklisted from all Apple-related web-based forums, except nobody actually notices….
I noticed.