The Mega-Post is Dead


You should be able to view it again, but Masako had to shut off the comments at…


She had to delete one spam comment to get it viewable again (link).

Please, let’s hear a big round of applause for all of you who posted in the Mega-Post and kept it alive for a year and four months. Please use this comment thread to post your fondest memories of the post with the most…

the Mega-Post.

8,637 thoughts on “The Mega-Post is Dead”

  1. Ace,
    It used to be “Somebody stole the theme”
    Now it is “Satirizing the Apple world since… OMG it’s been THAT long?”

    1. Thank you. The tag line change gives me hope for the future. The worst effects of climate change will be curtailed, various fascist world leaders will be forced into retirement, and CARS will get a funny article posted eventually.

  2. It still being December 23 where I live, I want to wish everyone a mighty Festivus. I forgot to erect the traditional aluminum pole, but will celebrate in some other fashion.

    1. You can get Polish citizens in aluminium (thanks for the English spelling) in the States? Mainly plumbers this side of the pond.

  3. I haven’t resolved. Either festively or psychically. I live in hope that 2020 will be the year, though.

  4. In the Mayan calendar, today is, and my numerologist says it is not a good day to toss the caber, bake a salmon, or put one’s hat on backward.

  5. I think we should just go back to year zero. Every year. It’s always worked out so well in the past, what’s not to like? Not least because that would instantly halt all ageing. Which I could do with at the moment, to be honest.

  6. Somewhat changing topics… This one, a question for the Cousins: does “royals” “news” qualify as news on the other side of the pond? It’s treated that way here. (Eye rolling to the point of almost detaching my retina.)

  7. Alas yes. Although we do like the Queen. And Princess Anne. The jury’s out on the rest of ’em, though. Unless they offer me a gong – specifically a CGP (Commander of the Giga Post). In which case they’re *great*.

  8. It must be rough to be a monarch in an age when there is no real monarching that needs to be done, especially when your subjects are paying you to do whatever it is that you do (keeping up appearances?).

  9. Don’t you realise that Brenda, Private Eye’s name for the Queen, has planned this well.

    Who else would have named them The Duke and Duchess of Suss— EX?

  10. I think the ‘ex’ is how the Duchess will be referring to the Duke once she’s ridden his fame pony into the ground.

    An image that’s disturbed even me.

  11. PS: As you can see, I can only manage half a post of highfalutin socio-political discussion before crashing back down into filth.

    You’re welcome.

  12. Which of you islanders will be taking the place of Prince Harry in the royal family? I hear that the hours and pay are not too shabby.

  13. It’s gotten to the point that when I see “Anonymous” I immediately think “BroMu incognito.”

  14. Before I give any consideration to this vacancy, have any of you any illegal habits, sexual unusualities or dangerous driving techniques?

    Only ask as there is no wish to add to the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Battenbergs=Mountbatten-Windsor list of disadvantages.

  15. Do they work the car by running along with their feet out the bottom while tooting a horn jauntily, Ace?

    1. No, but that’s a stellar idea. I could have the little fellows dress in bear skins and shout “Yabba Dabba Dooo.”

  16. I’m hiding, to try to avoid being called as a witness for something or other. You might have heard about it on the news.

  17. I don’t watch the FAKE NEWS!, Steve.

    In much the same way as I didn’t watch my grammar in the latter half of that sentence.

  18. Croydon has been selected as The London Borough of Culture in 2023.
    Stop laughing.
    Not sure if I’ll survive but can you guys help me to be cultured?

  19. I’m certain that Croydon is a veritable Petri dish of high-falutin’ snootiness!

    After Nxxx was minted, they broke the mold – and sprinkled bits of it about like mildew on the lawn…

  20. Well now you’re talking, Nxxx. Lewisham is clearly a pulsating hive of cultural energy. Just look at the train station.

  21. “illiterates”
    “what and when”

    My understanding (if that is the right word, and it most likely isn’t) is that Presidents Day was adopted to replace the haphazard celebration of George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays with a single day upon which banks could close, inconveniencing businesses and the public alike. I believe it was expected to create a three-day weekend for everybody, but almost nobody picked up on the offer. People like me, who work Saturdays and Sundays, would not have benefited anyway.

    It was this past Monday.

  22. Ace is correct – Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays were separate holidays and only a few days apart. When I was school-aged (as opposed to currently being slightly over-aged, or “vintage”), we would have a week off school. “They” (whoever “they” might encompass) decided to remove this week off school and consolidate into a single day.

  23. Thank you gentlemen, even an uncultured Croydonian like me understood that. Bit like Empire Day, if anyone remembers that.

  24. I would have thought letting go of your hate would have been the First Order of business for an aspiring Jedi, surely, Steve?

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