The Mega-Post is Dead


You should be able to view it again, but Masako had to shut off the comments at…


She had to delete one spam comment to get it viewable again (link).

Please, let’s hear a big round of applause for all of you who posted in the Mega-Post and kept it alive for a year and four months. Please use this comment thread to post your fondest memories of the post with the most…

the Mega-Post.

8,636 thoughts on “The Mega-Post is Dead”

  1. Silicon Valley? Are you packing a desalinization plant?

    If it gets bad, let me know and I’ll ship a canteen of water from Bull Run.

  2. Oooh, that took me by surprise. I’m all of a quiver.

    Now I can’t remember what you were all chatting about on the other page . . . but can’t click to enlighten because you must never go back.


    Well that’s what my parole officer said anyway.

  3. We were chatting about marshmallows, animal husbandry, and whether the Rolling Stones will do another tour after they’ve all passed away.

  4. It’s difficult to tell, with me being much farther from the pond. Though there is a creek nearby.

  5. A creak?

    That’ll be The Babadook.

    May I suggest screaming. And running.

    Although not necessarily in that order.

  6. How long is a “senior moment” supposed to last? This one has been going on for a rather generous time, I must say…

  7. That’s the great thing about them, Ace; you forget when they started, or even why, the moment you log into this post.

  8. What were we talking about? I kinda forgot. And, I’m not motivated enough to scroll upward to find out. Plus, the page jumps might further confuse me.

  9. And alcohol. And references to Del and the tunnel critters.

    Just don’t let it get dark. You are likely to be eaten by one of them. (They already ate all the grues.)

  10. Steve–have you not been getting the updates?

    Probably just as well, as the sexbots are still in beta. At least that’s what the beta-testers keep saying.

  11. Mine must’ve gotten lost. Probably delivered by one of those self-driving cars (not CARS) that are now on the streets in the Valley.

  12. Is that the Valley that Steinbeck found in Travels with Charlie?

    Whatever, I’ve failed to find any references to sexbots in all his works.

  13. Sorry to be tardy. I’m just all puffed out from a hard day . . . er . . . beta testing.

    Now, where were we?

  14. You were just about to give me the routing and account numbers for so that I could make that rather large ded …uh.. deposit to your bank account.

  15. if the explosions get out of hand, i will think about it. Is the repatriation bonus still being offered?

  16. Neither are we. That’s what the Channel’s for. And why we measure the Tunnel in miles.

  17. Oh, and Happy Getting Shot of Us day also. If only I could find some way of getting shot of me too then I could *really* celebrate.

  18. Thank you, I had forgotten I was British. In fact, this is the first I’ve heard of it. When I went in and did the application, I flunked the spelling test–kept making the S backwards.

  19. Hang on Ace . . . surely that means you were *trying to draw a swastika?*.

    You NAZI!

    How I’ve longed to troll that one across a message board.

    Ahhhh, good times.

  20. I was just trying to be civilized. I mean civilised.

    Do swastikas go the other direction in the Southern Hemisphere? Clockwise, anticlockwise, counterclokwise, unclockwise, or unwise?

  21. Ace, I think swastikas go lucky-life-giving in the Southern Hemisphere (the hotter the better) and ouchy-killy-deathy in the Northern Hemisphere (the Nurembergier the better).

    Obviously these are just broach brush strokes but, like most online comment, I’m pretty certain they could be referenced as rigorous primary sources in an oxbridge doctoral thesis.

    And you can quote me on that.

    And that.

  22. Nxxx, would that be a monograph? Would you present it whilst wearing a monocle?

    BroMu, it might be an Oxnard doctoral thesis (lifted from one of those tween shows the wee one used to watch ad nauseum).

  23. No Steve.

    Over here a monograph os a graph with only one line, like my bank account.

    An autograph is one written during sleep,

  24. I tried to write a paragraph, but the governor pardoned me before I finished the first sentence.

  25. When searching for investment opportunities, I looked into holographs, but there was nothing in them.

    . . .

    I can only apologise.

  26. Fluegelhorn, flugel horn, or flügelhorn–it’s all the same to a slacker like me. But let me offer my apologies, and some characters to insert as you like: ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü …

  27. Thank you for your generous donation of umlaut Us Ace.

    Exactly where would you like me to insert these letters, please?

  28. Nxxx, be careful when asking questions like that. The answers may be acceptable across the pond, but you might be violating local cultural norms on this side.

  29. The best place for inserting alphabetical characters is an open plaza with good ventilation and no precipitation, preferably with a spell checker, a grammar checker, and a pretzel vendor nearby.

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