Shocking news came late this afternoon as – just hours after announcing a release date of October 26th – Apple announced that Leopard would be delayed again. According to the company, some late testing revealed that there were lingering performance issues on older Macs.
When asked which Macs were affected, head of Mac hardware engineering Peter Mehring said “Mostly Performas. For some reason it runs really slow on even a later Performa like a 6400. And that was a really nice machine. Despite what people said.”
Mehring said he thought it might be the Core Animation.
“Or, really, it could be an icon, actually. They’re a lot bigger than they used to be.”
Asked about the system requirements that state a G4 or higher is required, Mehring said “Oh, that? That’s wrong. I mean, why wouldn’t we get it working on as many machines as possible? Like the PowerBook 2400? Now that was a machine.”
Mehing thinks it will only take another 10, 14, 28 months to get one or two of the 300 Leopard technologies running on Performas.
“I’m sure everyone understands. Shouldn’t be long. Well, OK, kind of long. But, we’d hate to leave our Performa-using customers behind.
“Um… again.”
First again!
I hope my Apple II can run Leopard!
2 2 2 2
Apple has stolen Microsoft’s legacy-compatibility excuse. This has gone too far, unless they are planning to fully emulate System 7 on all existing hardware. Then it’s fine by me, because I can’t get PrintChef to work on these newer-fangled gizmos.
4th? What a nice un-birthday present for me!
Or not. 6th!
And I’m beginning to think that Dreil has planted some sort of exotic surveillance device in Moltz’ house.
OK, lies, lies, lies.
Wait, what about the System 7.5.x to 7.6 patch? Did I miss an OS upgrade? I’m confused. But at any rate, it this Mac OS Eks thing makes those pesky type 11 errors go away, then I’ll give it a shot. But will it run on my 631CD?
Top 10!
Shame. Let’s get The Bombs back as Atari used and how long for Leopard for Ubuntu?
Now, if I can just find a port for my Atari 400, I’ll be all set.
No. I’m sorry. That wasn’t funny.
So he said ‘Performa!!! It’ll kill ya!!!’
No… That didn’t work either….
Performas, HAH!
I happen to know that this delay is for the same reason as the last one: to spend more time working on the iPhone.
Apple has discovered that, even with the iPhone 1.1.1 firmware, some users are using the phones in ways that don’t fit the total lock-down mindset shared by Apple and AT&T. Neither company will be satisfied until hopelessness and despair permeate the lives of every iPhone user. Once that has been accomplished, Apple developers will turn their attention to crushing the life-force out of Mac users.
I just hope Apple comes to its senses and releases Leopard on audio cassettes; I’ve had to skip OS X altogether because of Apple’s shoddy legacy support thus far. I was an early adopter of the Apple II, and I deserve continued support, damnit.
Once again Apple tries to make CARS look bad. Why do they work so hard to discredit the great and all knowing Moltz. The one advantage is that they make stuff to help the customer soley to cast doubt on the credibility (*tee hee hee*) on the CARS staff.
See CARS link
Third Party Applications on the iPhone
Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February. We are excited about creating a vibrant third party developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users. With our revolutionary multi-touch interface, powerful hardware and advanced software architecture, we believe we have created the best mobile platform ever for developers.
It will take until February to release an SDK because we’re trying to do two diametrically opposed things at once—provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc. This is no easy task. Some claim that viruses and malware are not a problem on mobile phones—this is simply not true. There have been serious viruses on other mobile phones already, including some that silently spread from phone to phone over the cell network. As our phones become more powerful, these malicious programs will become more dangerous. And since the iPhone is the most advanced phone ever, it will be a highly visible target.
Some companies are already taking action. Nokia, for example, is not allowing any applications to be loaded onto some of their newest phones unless they have a digital signature that can be traced back to a known developer. While this makes such a phone less than “totally open,†we believe it is a step in the right direction. We are working on an advanced system which will offer developers broad access to natively program the iPhone’s amazing software platform while at the same time protecting users from malicious programs.
We think a few months of patience now will be rewarded by many years of great third party applications running on safe and reliable iPhones.
P.S.: The SDK will also allow developers to create applications for iPod touch. [Oct 17, 2007]
performa? whats that? the latest upgrade i bought was an apple II. damn you apple. youve been making upgrades without telling us again, havent you?
havent you?
Great news, now I have an excuse to get my old Performa back from my mother-in-law, she can have my Mac Plus.Ä
When is the 68K version coming out?
My Quadra605 hungers…
I got a massive 32MB SDRAM and a gigantic 81MB Ultra-wide SCSII HD.
Maybe my mac can be used as an external Swap partition???
Performa? But I just met her!
I’m not surprised! Apple is notoriously unfriendly to it’s users!
Icons are always a problem. Well, icons and the damn Mirror Pond tap getting replaced with some weird Scotch Ale that tastes like somebody spilled a pot of week-old Folgers into the batch. Who drinks that shit?
Waiter, there’s a flyswatter in my soup.