Friday Feature: Crazy Apple Help Desk

Every Friday, the staff at Crazy Apple Rumors Site answers common help questions based on our vast experience with Apple products and our fervent belief that we know more than you do.

Today: You’ve got questions about the Cyber Apocalypse, we’ve got answers!

Q: I understand there’s this big showdown going on between Apple and vast hordes of killer robots which, I understand, are powered by Windows Mobile.

A: You’re more educated than most people, sir.

Q: And I know that these foul behemoths are bent on destroying Apple because, more than any other company, Apple makes technology work for humans, not the other way around.

A: You got that right.

Q: Further, from my close following of your fine site, I have learned that things have escalated to the point where the robots have the Apple campus surrounded, putting Macworld Expo in jeopardy.

A: Sing it.

Q: But what I don’t get is why I haven’t seen any signs of all these robot battles that are supposedly raging about me. What gives?

A: Well, think about it. If robots were going to annihilate the human race and set up their insidious New Robot Order, don’t you think they’d want people to think nothing was going on?

Q: Uh, well, I guess so. But…

A: Of course they would! Now, if you look closely, you can see the sure signs of a fever-pitched battle for the fate of civilization as we know it.

Q: Like what?

A: Well, if there were no Cyber Apocalypse raging between man and machine, would people feel the need to torture captured Pleos to try to extract information?

Q: That’s just weird.

A: Don’t deny the truth that’s all around you!

Q: Oh, the hell with it. There’s nothing good on TV because of the writer’s strike so the Cyber Apocalypse is all I’ve got.

A: Hmm. Well… I guess I’ll take that.

Q: Cyber Apocalypse? This is stupid. And you’re stupid. And your mother dresses you like a retard.

A: Oh, well, fine. It makes me no never mind. When their vicious metal pincers are pulling you apart like fresh bread, don’t come crying to me. And, I’m sorry, do these “retards“, as you so eloquently put it, shop at Sears?! I think not!

Q: OK, so what’s the deal? Do I need to do something? Am I supposed to make a contribution? Reboot? What?

A: No, no, no. It’s gone far beyond that. It’s up to Apple now. Apple will need to break the blockade and destroy the Central Plexor.

Q: Oh.

A: Eeyup.

Q: OK.

A: Um, aren’t you going to ask me what the Central Plexor is?

Q: [sigh] Do I have to?

A: Well, let’s just do this and wrap it up, OK?

Q: OK. What’s the Central Plexor?

A: The Central Plexor is the robots’ main central hub. It connects all the robots together so they can carry out their evil plot.

Q: Oh. So it’s like Skynet.

A: What?! No, no, it’s nothing like Skynet.

Q: Oh. Then it’s like Colossus, the Forbin Project.

A: No! Look, um, no. The point is, uh, just that if they destroy the Central Plexor, the robots will go back to being dumb hunks of metal.

Q: So, OK, William Gibson, where’s the Central Plexor?

A: Inside the lead robot.

Q: The lead robot.

A: Yeah.

Q: OK.

A: His name’s Kent.

Q: Oh, fer… Are you even trying anymore?

Mac Market Share Hits 7.3%.

Good news for Apple as, according to Net Applications, Mac market share has hit 7.3%.

While this is indisputably laudable, digging deeper into the data reveals some interesting side-analysis.

  • Since Net Applications’ estimate is based on browser use, it may understate the Mac’s market share as many Mac owners always buy an extra unit to keep mint in the box.
  • Despite what many would expect, Linux was fourth rather than third. The third place system? The ENIAC. Seriously. It’s true. I’m not shitting you. Sounds incredible, I know, but there it is.
  • The Mac’s market share may be further understated as Net Applications consolidated its data on a Wednesday and that’s when comic books come out.
  • According to Net Applications, Mac users really like to surf porn sites. So do Windows users. Linux users, for some reason, tend to frequent porn sites with difficult to use interfaces, resulting in further frustration. Further because they’re already Linux users.
  • While the Mac’s market share is still a distant second to Windows, the data clearly shows that Mac users surf betterer than Windows users.
  • There are still people using Cyberdog. What the fuck, people?!

Apple declined to comment for this story since they were surrounded by fricking robots.

Robots Attack Apple! Again!

Cupertino police and Federal Emergency Management agents report today that One Infinite Loop was attacked by vicious killer robots bent on destroying Apple and bringing about a New Robot Order in which man serves machines. In this bleak, dystopian future, humans will slave in their solder mines and be forced to go to mate on command like laboratory animals as the robots watch and disapprovingly take notes, shaking their heads.

Yes, as you were snug in your beds in your footy jammies on Christmas eve dreaming of your Wiis and other marital aids, the fine people at Apple have been battling the robot terror.

That’s right. They were fighting the metal menace while you were all snug in your beds with visions of Jennifer fricking Connelly dancing in your heads.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Because there ain’t nothin’ wrong wit dat. If you know what I’m sayin’. And I think ya do.

Hence all the colloquialisms.

It’s currently difficult to get any good information as One Infinite Loop is effectively under robot blockade. No one has been able to break past their death-laser perimeter, although General Counsel Daniel Cooperman was allowed out briefly to turn off his car alarm after one of the robots bumped into his vehicle, accidentally setting it off. They exchanged insurance information and Cooperman returned to the building.

But why attack now? According to sources, the Apple sexbot project – while not yet ready for announcement at Macworld Expo in two weeks – has reached a critical milestone (completion of the “Wanda” and “Grant” model chassis) and will be ready far sooner than the so-called “experts” have predicted.

Well, OK, that might be the reason. It’s also possible they’re just stupid robot assholes who hate our liberties.

Or our libraries.

Or the fact that we’re made of meat.

Or maybe they don’t like carbon and are all like “Silicon is way better than carbon, man! Silicon rocks!” and don’t even know they’re punning because they’re humorless fucking robots.

It could be any or all of those reasons.

One thing is for certain, they are not acting randomly. They act with deliberate malice aforethought and the future of the company we know and love and hope will bring us shiny new crap we don’t need in two weeks is at stake. How Macworld Expo will even be possible if Apple employees can’t break free of the blockade is unknown.

Now is the time to act. Please, won’t you click on the PayPal link to the right and contribute to this site?

It, uh, has nothing to do with breaking the robot blockade, we could just use the money.

Christmas bills and all.

You understand.


What do you mean you gave it all to the lemurs?


We’ll be back on the 2nd.

Or 3rd.

Sometime before Macworld.

Or not.


In the comments, let’s hear what you got for Solstice.

I’m sorry. Buddhamas.

Wait, that’s not right either.


Well, the thing with Charlie Brown and Frosty and Rudolf.

Oh, and hey, did everyone know that Rudolf was all about puberty? I’m serious. What. The. Hell? If you haven’t seen it in a while, watch it again. I’m telling you, puberty. It’s like a great big early ’60s morality play about puberty. Puberty, puberty, puberty.

Isn’t that weird? Do you think the people who made it did that deliberately or was it some post-’50s repression thing?

And I don’t think I have to tell you what Freud would say the giant snow monster means.

No sir.

Of course, he said that about everything.

Anyway, hope you had a happy Pube-mas.

Friday Feature: Crazy Apple Help Desk

Every Friday, the staff at Crazy Apple Rumors Site answers common help questions based on our vast experience with Apple products and our fervent belief that we know more than you do.

Q: Do you have any last-minute gift suggestions for the Mac-using members of my family? I’m having trouble thinking of what to get my brother.

A: A sweater.

Q: A sweater?

A: Yeah. Everybody needs a sweater.

Q: Um, yeah, well I was really thinking of something more Mac-related. You are an Apple-related help desk after all.

A: Maybe it could have an Apple logo on it.

Q: That’s not really doing it for me.

A: Oh, fine, princess. I see what your game is. Don’t get him something he wants, get him something that you want.

Q: I want what’s best for him and what’s best for him is to be able to enjoy a superior user experience. See, he’s… he’s… [sigh]… a Linux user.

A: OK, but, see, he’s not going to use OS X so what’s the point? Even if you buy him an 8-core Mac Pro, he’s going to junk it up by putting fricking Ubuntu or some shit on it.

Q: Don’t you think I know that?! Well, it doesn’t matter. I can’t afford to get him an 8-core Mac Pro anyway.

A: No, and Linux people don’t want that shit. Shit that’s all cool and shiny and shit. He wants a “challenge”. Give him a toaster and tell him it runs Windows Mobile. He’ll spend the rest of the year trying to install Debian on it.

Q: Hey, it’s the gift that keeps on giving! To me!

A: Which is what you wanted in the first place!

Q: Yay!

Q: Hey, I don’t have a question, but I just wanted tell you to have a merry Christmas.

A: Oh, well, thanks.

Q: A very merry Christmas.

A: That’s nice.

Q: Yeah. Let the yule be gay!

A: Are you… hitting on me?

Q: From OS X on, your restarts have been miles away!

A: Oh, no, no, no! No way. You’re not doing some fucking Apple-themed Christmas carol on my site!

Q: So, have yourself a Cupertino Christmas…

A: Really, I’d much rather you were hitting on me.

Q: Startup sounds ring! Are you list-ening!

A: I swear to god, I will beat you to death with Michael Spindler and whip your dead body with the cord of a hockey puck mouse.

Q: OK, I’m done.

Q: Hey, did you see this bullshit?

A: I did! What the hell? Who does that jackass think he is?

Q: I have no idea. You should read John Welch’s take. He rightly really ripped that Rixstep guy a new one.

A: I did read that and… Hey, wait a minute! You’re not a caller. You’re just me! This is just exposition!

Q: Ah, but isn’t that what Christmas is about? Exposition?

A: What?! No!

Q: Oh. Huh. Are you sure? There’s an awful lot of exposition in those holiday specials.

A: Fairly certain.

Q: OK, then maybe it’s just about making jackasses see the error in their ways. Like the Grinch.

A: Yeah! And Scrooge!

Q: And the magician in Frosty!

A: And that snow beast in Rudolph!

Q: And, uh, Jesus!

A: Um…

Q: OK, maybe less so that one.

A: What do you mean “less so”?! And why are we still talking?!