Friday Feature: Crazy Apple Help Desk

Every Friday, the staff at Crazy Apple Rumors Site answers common help questions based on our vast experience with Apple products and our fervent belief that we know more than you do.

Q: I have an SE that I need to connect through a LocalTalk network to an ethernet router and then to a wireless LAN. But I’m really more interested in getting answers to the big questions of life.

A: Oh, you mean like are we alone in the universe?

Q: No. I was thinking more like how does pudding work?

A: How does it work? What does that even mean? You just get a spoon and…

Q: Well, what color is air?

A: It’s not really a color…

Q: Why are there sheep?

A: Mutton, I’d guess. Tasty, tasty mutton.

Q: Who first made dirt?

A: I’m going to have to guess the Mesopotamians.

Q: Why is there no pork sushi?

A: Are you kidding me?

Q: And finally, what’s that thing in my ear?

A: Uh, that would be your finger.

Q: Ah. So it is.

Q: I’m a long-time Mac user and I have a few favorites, but I was wondering if you have any suggestions for good word processing applications.

A: Oh, no, no. A few “favorites”? Right. I’ve seen this kind of behavior before, my friend.

Q: What?

A: I’m not going to validate your sickness.

Q: Sickness? What are you talking about?

A: You have an addiction to word processors.

Q: What?! No I don’t. I can quit any time I want.

A: Oh, really? Well, then, delete one of them.

Q: Fine. No problem. Pick one.

A: OK. Mellel.

Q: What?! No, no. I can’t delete Mellel. It’s got such a nice interface. Just, um, pick another.

A: OK. AbiWord.

Q: Uh…

A: C’mon. It looks like ass.

Q: Well, yes, but it’s open-source. I just really like to support open-source.

A: Sure you do. And I’m sure you like Mariner Write because you like to support small software developers.

Q: Um…

A: And you like Pages because it’s from Apple.

Q: Well, sure…

A: And you like Nisus because it has a jaunty icon.

Q: It is jaunty!

A: So, there it is. You can’t even delete one word processing application.

Q: Tell you what, I’ll delete Word.

A: Oh, jeez, talk about an empty gesture! Get some help, man!

Q: Hey, I just installed the iPhone 1.1.2 update and it bricked my iPhone!

A: Oh, that’s a drag. Did you run jailbreak on it?

Q: [sigh] Yes. And the stupid thing is, I did the same thing on my last iPhone. I didn’t restore before running the update. Bricked it up good.

A: So you’re on your second iPhone?

Q: I wish. No, let’s see, there was iPhone number 1 – that one I lost in a mosh pit the day after the iPhone release in June…

A: Uh-huh.

Q: Then there was iPhone number 2 which was devoured by ravenous beavers.

A: That’ll happen.

Q: iPhone number 3 was the one I had the longest. And then one day it just exploded. Boom.

A: Really?

Q: Well… there was something of a mishap, shall we say, involving some, um, C4.

A: Right.

Q: And then there was iPhone number 4.

A: What happened to that one?

Q: Uh, I’d rather not say.

A: Why not?

Q: It’s lodged somewhere… personal.

A: You know, maybe you just weren’t meant to have nice things.

Q: I’m also starting to wonder if that’s not the case.

Friday Feature: Crazy Apple Help Desk

Every Friday, the staff at Crazy Apple Rumors Site answers common help questions based on our vast experience with Apple products and our fervent belief that we know more than you do.

Q: Is Apple ever going to release a sub-notebook?

A: No. Steve Jobs hates people who like tiny laptops. I don’t know why. Calls them tinytards if I’m not mistaken. Moreover, our sources say Apple’s actually working on a 24-inch laptop. Not that they think anyone will buy it, I mean the thing’s ridiculously huge. It’s just another typical Steve Jobs “fuck you”.

Q: So I should keep using my PowerBook 2400?

A: Oh, totally. Dude, I really don’t think they’ll ever come out with a machine better than that anyway.

Q: Hey, I installed Leopard and I’m having some problems.

A: OK. Is it the blue screen on reboot?

Q: No.

A: FileVault corruption?

Q: Uh, no.

A: What is it?

Q: It’s more like flames.

A: Huh.

Q: Yeah. Shooting out the back. And there’s this deep gurgling voice telling me to “GET OUT!”

A: Are the walls bleeding?

Q: Uh… yes.

A: Yeah. That’s Satanic possession. Some people are running into that with Leopard.

Q: So, I’m screwed, right?

A: No. Just restart with the shift key held down.

Q: That’s it?!

A: Oh. And get yourself a priest.

Q: Ah.

Q: Hey, I didn’t install Leopard and I’m also having problems.

A: Uh… OK.

Q: Yeah. I’ve not no Time Machine, no 3-D Dock, no unified theme, no Back to my Mac…

A: Well, that’s because those are all Leopard features.

Q: Right.

A: Yeah.

Q: Exactly.

A: Huh?

Q: I’m just saying, no pain, no gain.

A: What does that even mean in this context?

Q: Mmm-hmm.

A: [sigh] You know, I wasn’t really looking for an object lesson here.

Q: Oh, boo-hoo.

Special Thursday Feature: Crazy Apple Help Desk Leopard Special! Special!

Every Friday, the staff at Crazy Apple Rumors Site answers common help questions based on our vast experience with Apple products and our fervent belief that we know more than you do.

But tomorrow we’re going to be off gettin’ our Leopard on and so are you so, you know, we’ll just see you there. But today we’re giving you the skinny on Apple’s new OS!

Q: Oh, man, I am so stoked about Leopard! Yeah!

A: Yeah. It’s gonna be a nice upgrade.

Q: Nice?! Dude, it’s so gonna rock! Do you know the first thing I’m gonna do when I get home with it?

A: Install it?

Q: No! I’m gonna sit on it!

A: Um… what?

Q: Yeah! I’m going to take the disk out of the box and I’m gonna sit on it until the circle of the DVD is imprinted on my ass!

A: Why… the hell would you do that?

Q: Then I’d be the dude with Leopard on his ass!

A: But it’d just wear off in like five minutes.

Q: Ah, but what a glorious five minutes!

A: You’re… odd.

Q: Yeah, just you wait. Come Saturday everybody’s gonna be talking about the dude with Leopard imprinted on his ass. Make that Zune tattoo guy look like a simp.

A: He already looks like a simp.

Q: Well… more of one.

Q: My question is more of a tactical one about the best way to get my hands on Leopard.

A: Shoot.

Q: Is it OK to knock old ladies over in the mad rush to get in the Apple Store door?


Q: Well, OK, tactical and moral.

A: Old ladies? No. It’s never OK to knock over old ladies. Well… it would have been OK at the iPhone release but… missed opportunities and whatnot.

Q: Oh. What about teenagers?

A: Oh, totally. Frankly, you can shove them to the ground any time.

Q: That’s what I thought. OK, pre-teens?

A: Mmm, that’s a gray area. You’re gonna have to call an audible on that one, my friend. Just use your best judgement.

Q: Paraplegic?

A: Um, no.

Q: Man! This is hard! You’d think Apple would publish some kind of chart or something.

A: Right. They should totally do that.

Q: I have a question about backing up my Mac before I install Leopard.

A: What?!

Q: Um, well, I was wondering what the easiest way to back my Mac up…

A: Ha-ha! What a wuss!

Q: “Wuss”? Does anyone even say that anymore?

A: Only when there’s a major-league wuss around!

Q: Hey, backing up is a very important step…

A: I’m sorry, Jennifer…

Q: It’s Lewis.

A: …if you want to copy your pwecious data onto some fricking floppies or something, that’s your business. Heh-heh. “Backup”.

Q: You’re not a very good Help Desk guy.

A: Oh, please, like I’m worried about your opinion you great big pansy. Just man up and fire up that upgrade, nnkay?

Friday Feature: Crazy Apple Help Desk

Every Friday, the staff at Crazy Apple Rumors Site answers common help questions based on our vast experience with Apple products and our fervent belief that we know more than you do.

[IMPORTANT UPDATE: Shum Stra iz in our interwebs recordin’ our Help Desks and has the audio of the first question. Why go to all the trouble of reading it when you can just give it a listen (936k MP3)?]

Q: Hey! Have you heard of the latest dance craze to hit the techno-streets?!

A: Um… no.

Q: Yes! Dance, dance, to the throbbing beat of the DVORAK!

A: The…


A: I don’t think…

Q: It goes a little like this!

O o o o — it’s John Dvorrrrrak!
He’s the latest…
O O O O — he’s a crazy ass
He’s the insanest…

Writing through the night with hair lit up bright, he’s Dvorrrrrak.

And then there’s a dance.

A: Oookay. Uh, do you have a question?

Q: I, uh, just wanted to know if you had heard of the Dvorak.

A: I had not.

Q: OK, then.

Q: Oh, man, don’t let that turkey give you that jive about the Dvorak!

A: Um, OK.

Q: Naw! All the real hep cats are doin’ the Enderle!

A: Of course they are.

Q: It goes like this!

You put your bad opinion in, you take your money shot out,
You put your bad opinion in, and you shake it all about
You do the Apple joke-y and you turn it all around,
That’s what the Enderle’s all about

And, um, the dance is pretty much like the Hokey Pokey. Actually, it’s exactly like that.


Q: Well?!

A: Seems kind of obvious.

Q: That’s right! Just like Rob Enderle!

A: Hmm. Well, you make a good point there.

Q: Dvorak? Enderle? I dunno. Personally, I prefer to do the Steve Jobs.

A: Oh. How does that one go?

Q: I sit and still my thoughts until they are as a clear, untouched mountain lake. As I achieve total calm, I let the spirit of the Buddha wash over me. And then I am one.

A: Uh, wow. And what music do you do that to?

Q: Um… well, actually, I do it to LL Cool J’s “Big Ole Butt”.

A: Uh… huh.

Q: But, um, you could do it to anything really. The song doesn’t have to be butt related.

A: Oh. That’s good to know.

Q: Totally.